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Windy Hills Observation

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On the September 18, 2014, I visited Windy Hills Elementary School in Kearney, Nebraska. Visiting Windy Hills was a wonderful experience. Upon taking the first step in the doors of the school, I felt welcomed. The bright colors and smiling faces of the staff made the environment feel warm. During my visit, I had the opportunity to observe a speech pathologist at work. I also observed a kindergarten class. It was very interesting witnessing a teacher with a classroom of kids and also a student having one on one time with a speech pathologist. Seeing different teaching strategies combined with some of the moral dimensions gave me a new outlook on the definition of what a teacher really is.
Classroom Management The organization of the classroom …show more content…
Two cases of learning strategies stood out. The first strategy that stood out was one that was implemented while teaching a little girl with Down’s syndrome and a child with Autism. They each had their own personal para. The para was very patient with them and understanding. The paras moved at the children’s level. These children with disabilities were learning to the best of their ability because of the paras provided at Windy Hills. The second strategy that stood out was the amount of technology Windy Hills used to challenge advanced students. They use different online programs with their advanced students. This is a beneficial strategy because these kids can move at their own level and advance on their own without being held back in the …show more content…
She used several examples of Nurturing Pedagogy. At the beginning of the session, she welcomed the student with a warm smile and greeting. She began to ask him how his day was, what he did at recess, and how his different school subjects were going. She wanted her student to know that she cared about him. She had him read certain passages and answer questions about a story. She tied in his life and family with the story. She wanted him to relate to components of the story to know him better. The speech pathologist created a strong relationship with the student. Her room was a nurturing and safe environment because of her ethics she displayed through

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