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Childhood Exposure To Violence

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Ever since the existence of war, it has been a dispute if children should be allowed to be involved with war. Children being brought forcefully to the feet of war has been a rising problem within countries; therefore, teaching children to use weapons and using them as human bombs is a resort some countries’ militants don’t have a problem using, leading to heinous effects for their militants and others. The consequences of this are clear and all around them that they should be able to find their devastating results all over the news with children used as human bombs, human shields, nurses, soldiers, and so on. The effects range from lost lives, lost of trust, and physical and mental damage. Within many areas, the possible causes of this are that militants find it easier to abduct children and manipulate them. This …show more content…
Children that have been exposed to violence “...learn to resolve their conflicts in a violent manner”(“Childhood Exposure to Violence”). In result, the children with long-term exposure to violence have even bigger problems. They run the risk of academic failure, alcohol and substance abuse, delinquent acts, adult criminality and behavior, psychological, and physical problems (“Childhood Exposure to Violence”). The behavioral problems that may follow the exposure to violence is an increase in aggression toward people and animals. The psychological effects are that the children may blame themselves for the violence when they have no action to do with it. The physical problems that come from the exposure of violence are self-harm because the child believes that if they hurt themselves, it’ll stop the pain of the others. The result of this is that children not fit to be soldiers, nurses, or suicide bombers in the first place will have problems with completing everyday

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