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Personal Narrative: My Move

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My Move

It all started 11 years ago in California when my dad first started his job and year by year his team started moving to Austin,Texas. That made him have the big decision this summer of moving to a different state or quitting that job.

After my hardworking year of 5th grade, I was ready for a happy and relaxing summer, I was having the best time with my friends. My parents told me the the news that we are moving to Austin,Texas and my mouth dropped the length of the moon and back. I was so surprised that we were moving after 11 years in California.

Few weeks later, I started summer school where I took math and cooking and that made me bond with my cousin more. He was there for every birthday of mine and he was the best, that summer since we were selling our home we spent half our time and summer at there home. …show more content…
I rushed downstairs quickly and asked my dad if I could go and he was so sweet enough that he let me go. I sprung with happiness and I responded saying yes, after I did that I got ready for the pool and they picked me up and we had the best time ever. A couple hours later the party ended and me and my friends started having rivers out of our eyes and it was the saddest thing ever.

One month passed and before we knew it it was the time we move everything in the moving truck. The moving party came and we had the best time ever but, until the part came where we had to say our good-byes and I started crying then my fake older sister saw me and started crying. Then her mom and then my mom. My dad had a baby face on a started crying, all of his friends comforted him and cried and we gave our gifts and hugs and left to our cousin's home because tomorrow was the day of the

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