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Cheating Scandal: Should Football Be Paid?

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With having these tutors it is taking away form their potential when football is done. That is why so many NFL players or players, in general, that do not put in the time in the classroom, struggle when they get into the real world. Either they do not manage their money right when they make it, because they were irresponsible and got away with it throughout college. Or, they did not make that much in the NFL or got hurt and do not have any type of degree to fall back on. Which, is because of them not doing their own work in college and struggling once they get into the real world where they have to work. Therefore, they may have the degree, but they know nothing about the actual degree, or little about it. To me this should not happen. They should be held responsible just like everyone else is at the college. …show more content…
In 1994, the Naval Academy had 125 midshipmen that were caught cheating on an engineering exam. Someone got a copy of the exam and sent it to everyone so that they could pass the exam. During all this the football team lost about 20 players that year. “The cheating scandal is the latest blow to the Academy, which suffered a sexual harassment scandal in 1990 after eight male midshipmen chained a female classmate to a urinal. Time of Troubles.” (An Inquiry Finds 125 Cheated On a Naval Academy Exam, By ERIC SCHMITT) This is morally wrong in general someone should never cheat on anything especially if you're in the Naval Academy. That should not happen at all from people that are going to help protect our country. How can we trust our military if they are going to cheat their way into the military. Now they also are cheating themselves of an education and that might be why Navy was not good at football back then. They should have more discipline and know that they can not cheat just to get through their college and own to protect our

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