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Psychopathic Personality Disorder

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Psychopathy is extremely complex, and one explanation cannot explain the causes of psychopathy, or sociopathic behavior (Skeem, J, Skeem, Irvine, Polaschek, Patrick, Lilienfeld, 2011). The traits commonly associated with this condition are a lack of compassion for others, dishonesty, and absolute narcissism (Stamatakis, 2012). Nevertheless, research has indicated that psychopathy is associated with various personality traits, and cannot be linked with one specific personality disorder (Skeem 2011). Many people believe psychopathy to be a condition that someone is born with. However, psychopathy cannot be explained by genetic factors alone. Psychopathy has various causes that can be influenced by environmental factors (Skeem et al., 2011). However, an individual who has the genes associated with psychopathic …show more content…
In 1991, Phillip Garrido, a convicted sex offender abducted Jaycee Dugard, an 11-year old girl. Dugard was held hostage in Garrido’s home for eighteen years. Experts think that Phillip Garrido encountered significant brain damage after being involved in a motorcycle crash as a teenager. Garrido’s father claimed that Phillip had always been a well-behaved child but had undergone major personality changes following the accident (Stamatakis, 2012). Currently, researchers have detected that certain areas in the brain are correlated with psychopathic tendencies. A slight brain injury in the amygdala, an area in the brain that controls people’s emotions, may provide an explanation as to why psychopaths exhibit such cruel behavior and do not show the appropriate signs of emotion. Psychopathic conduct is also associated with a brain injury to the cerebral cortex region of the brain, which controls a person’s memory and self-perception. Finally, psychopathy can result from an injury to the frontal lobe, which regulates self-discipline and judgment (Stamatakis,

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