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Minimum Wage Laws Essay

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This essay will talk about the minimum wage laws, I have read a few articles and must decide based on these articles what is best for the economy to raise minimum wage laws or lower them. There have been multiple debates on the minimum wage law debut. Both have good arguments but, based on these articles we read and analyzed I believe we should not endorse new minimum wage laws because the unemployment rate would rise, the demand for things in the world will go down because they are so expensive, and it would also eliminate jobs at the bottom of the ladder who are inexperienced. It will cause unemployment because when you start to raise the minimum wage laws you are paying your workers more even if some are doing more or have a better past …show more content…
Which means people whose jobs aren't as needed or important will disappear and be given to others. For example at an eye checkup company if the receptionist is getting paid to sit and wait for calls to come through while the doctor is in with patients checking their eyes for diseases. Then it is obvious the eye dorcot is more important and people will begin to lay off the receptionist and give that job to the eye doctor as well since it’s almost unneeded to just answer a phone all day. As well as instead they could just have machines answering the calls so you won’t even have to worry about talking to an employee, it will just be a machine. This is shown in document F when it says “Employees that earn the minimum wage tend to be young. And work in business that keeps a few cents of each sales dollar expenses. When the minimum wage goes up, these employers are forced to either pass costs on to consumers in the form of higher prices, or cut costs elsewhere-leading to less full service and more customer self-service. As a result fewer hours and jobs are available for less skilled and less experienced workers.” which shows that If you aren't’ as skilled why would they hire you for lots of money rather than paying the same price as a more skilled and more experienced

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