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Personal Narrative: My Move To Texas

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Growing up in a small city in Utah, there was no room for diversity, and absolutely no need for it. We were all white, so wasn’t it all right? I was young, but not too young to remember the dreadful feeling of conformity itself squishing my insides together, to be more like the line leader, Sally Johnson. Thankfully, the move to Texas is what put steel wedges between conformity and me. I’m realizing now, that moving to Texas secretly always felt like a bittersweet, new beginning. Mostly bitter because I was leaving the only life 10-year-old me knew - cul de sac soccer, freshly fallen snow early Christmas morning, and mountains that begged my return the second I left. Sweet because well, it was a chance to change that all, and discover a side …show more content…
And for the first time in my life, I stood out not because of my quirky characteristics, but because of my skin color. My pale, freckled skin stood out among the many ethnic groups of the school. I was in awe of the diversity I had craved my entire life. I had never been surrounded by so many unique physical traits in one place. Intrigued and anxious about it all, yet so mesmerized by the sea of color I was wading in.. I was not yet in love with Texas, but in lust. Although I was so greatly mesmerized by the diversity, as soon as I walked into the confined class full of strangers, and sat down in that cold desk with my name on it, that lust turned to fear. What if I couldn’t escape conformity? What if to achieve, I had to conform to the norms of being 10? I wanted to be different, and to be who I wanted, but it seemed impossible because where would I start? Being Sally Johnson seemed favorable in that moment. I almost started to cry right there on the first day, ready to give up until I noticed everybody else in that room looked just as I did. Fraught with peril. In that very moment, I realized I wasn’t alone in my worrisome state, that I had the most perfect opportunity to make the changes I wanted. With that being said, I went up to two twin girls, introduced myself, and asked them to be my

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