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Digital Mammography Research Paper

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Many discoveries and upgrades in technology have been identified over the course of a decade. One of these discoveries being digital mammography. Digital mammography allows the radiologist to capture and manipulate the images, thus abnormalities are found more easily. This upgrade in technology has both positives and negatives just as any other upgrade. Imaging centers around the world have switched over from film mammography to digital mammography. The main difference between film mammography and digital mammography is digital mammography allows a quicker diagnosis while providing a better image. Since the introduction of digital mammography, many advantages have occurred but as a downfall once digital mammography was introduced the rate of …show more content…
Radiologist and the operators of the equipment had to learn the ropes of the new equipment. It took some time to familiarize themselves with the new ropes as to how digital mammography works. Once digital mammography was introduced an incline in false positives occurred. In a study performed by Rebecca Hubbard, within the first year since the introduction of digital mammography the proportion of mammograms with false positive results increased by 3% 4. Another researcher took a different approach and tried to link false positive outcomes by age, time since last mammogram examination, and risk factors. Heidi Nelson analyzed the outcome of the research after a single round of digital mammography in about half a million women and concluded that false positive results and additional images are common for younger women and those with high risk factors 5. With the information listed above, any woman could be quite worried about receiving a false positive diagnosis which would lead to more stress for the patient. However, a relief for any woman is in the study conducted by Rebecca Hubbard over the course of four years the recall rates over false positives had returned to the original …show more content…
A main concern for women is the cost increase since the introduction of digital mammography 2. Digital mammography costs multiple times as much as standard mammography. This increases leaves patients weighing the advantages to the disadvantages and determining if it is worth the extra expenses or not. Another downfall of digital mammography is since the rate of false positives initially increased it resulted in multiple exposures for patients, which resulted in more radiation towards the patient. Along with multiple exposures from false positives the cost increased with another visit to reevaluate the false

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