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How Do Illegal Immigrants Affect The Economy

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Illegal immigrants have a positive effect on America’s economy. They provide an adaptable workforce and low cost labor pool, allowing US based companies to keep their factories within the country rather than moving their manufacturers to the cheap and compelling factories in china. Some are convinced that these illegal immigrants are a drain on the economic system, stealing jobs from American citizens in need. In reality, Illegal immigrants take jobs that few people want. Thomas Friedman, a writer for the New York Times, agreed and wrote that these immigrants may be exactly what the U.S. economy needs to succeed, and even excel. They are intensely motivated and bring an important type of energy into America’s veins, allowing us to keep up with rapidly expanding countries including China and India. In exchange for a low-cost workforce and a vivacious energy, America can offer a chance at a new life. …show more content…
Immigrants come to America seeking a better life, wishing to build families and give their children more opportunities than they had. Many succeed and establish normal lives. They live in well kempt homes and eat dinner with their families after a day of hard work. They may be respectable people, but in the eyes of government, these people are criminals. “It is as if, suddenly, war has been declared on immigrants. Stopping immigrants from entering the country has become more important than the war against drugs.” said Maria Jiminez, in Document E. America has always been a beacon for those seeking opportunity, so why is it so important now that we keep our doors firmly shut. Some of the very first European settlers where people seeking religious or financial freedom, so why, over 300 years later, do their descendants feel entitled to tell others they cannot do the

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