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Annotated Bibliography: Group Evaluation

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Collaborative Annotated Bibliography Group Evaluations

1. What duties did you have as a member of your group? How well do you feel you met the challenges of these duties? What were the material and substantive results of your work on these duties? How did you get your 1500 words of writing on this project?

As a member of our group, I was a recorder focusing on taking notes, organizing materials, and recording our discussions and decisions at the group meeting. In the project, my duty was to analyze how technology influences the productivity of the banks. In our presentation, I illustrated the part of Methodology. I believed I successfully overcame the challenges that I faced when performing my duties. For example, I figured out the effective way to record our discussion to ensure that our group members could know what important points we had discussed. To do this project, I also faced a challenge …show more content…
In our group discussion, each of members played a role. Yuanyuan Gao was our facilitator, who made sure that our group discussion went smoothly and efficiently. Huixing Lin was our reporter, who needed to summarize our activities. He was also a liaison maintaining our communication with each other. Zhonglin Qiu am a timekeeper, making a schedule to remind us of the important dates. Each role had many responsibilities to take and had many challenged to overcome. In our project, we decided to analyze the impact of technology on the banking industry from four aspects. Gao focused on analyzing the impact on the whole banking industry. Qiu was responsible for researching the impact on the banking services. Lin analyzed the impact on the security and safety in the banks. And I researched the impact on the productivity of banks. All of our members finished and submitted their part on time. Every member prepared an about 1800-words report. Based on my performance, my contribution, and my effort, I believed I deserved an A for my

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