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Antigone Vs Creon

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Some people in this world have a hard time making up their mind, whether it is a choice of where to eat or deciding if you want to go to that party or not. Antigone is a story of two brothers whose father committed suicide, and there was no way to get a new king unless someone fought. Both of the brothers died and the new king was the brothers’ uncle, Creon. Creon made a law that no one shall bury the body of Polynices, the brother who fought against the kingdom. Antigone and Ismene, the sisters, had to find a way to bury him but that would result in death because of Creon’s law. Ismene is the character in this story that is double-sided. She switches sides like a first grader playing in a Nerf war, and in the beginning said that she wouldn’t help, but in the middle of the story tries to take part of the blame for burying her brother. …show more content…
In the beginning of the story of Antigone, Antigone asks Ismene,“ Would you help me lift the body… you and me?” (Sophocles 127). Ismene replies with an answer that makes it sound like Antigone is crazy. She says, “you cannot mean… to bury him? Against the order?” (Sophocles 127) . Ismene is making a big deal out of the fact that Antigone is only wanting to bury her brother. From this idea the reader can indicate that Ismene is a sister that wants nothing to do with Antigone’s rule breaking ways and that when push comes to shove, she refuses to

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