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Simulated Enterprises

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A Simulated Enterprise (SE) is a mock company that mirrors the structure, function and operations of a real company, but without real money exchange, thus providing a learning environment where learners acquire practical entrepreneurial skills.
The procedure of creating a simulated enterprise has four stages:
1). Preliminary stage:
At the beginning of a simulate enterprise, the teachers that coordinates the activity and the students have to collect information about the institutions involved in the start-up of a firm, such as banks, the Office of the Trade Registry, and other institutions. After collecting (and sharing) information, the students will share and discuss their ideas and views on their future firm. The ideas will be further concretized …show more content…
2) First stage: Setting up and registering the simulated enterprise
Students will:
a) register the enterprise/reserve a name for it
b) fill/create the documents that contain information about the enterprise (start-up documentation)
c) upload the documents on the platform.
Romanian students will use the platform, what about the other students?
Students will create five simulated enterprises with different fields of activity:
1. An IT firm providing custom software design, web development, e-commerce solutions, and multimedia services.
2. A private school
3. An advertising agency
4. A management consulting firm
5. A company providing renewable energy/a transportation firm, etc.
The simulated enterprises will collaborate with each other (for instance, the advertising company will create an advertising campaign for the products of the IT company, etc.), and with other similar enterprises from national and/or international market.
In order to differentiate their enterprise from others, students learn how to use free logo maker websites/tools to create a logo for their …show more content…
Students learn how to create an organization chart that illustrates the reporting relationship in their company (using Smart Art/Office 2010).
Students will learn how to write a letter of intent, and how to complete their Europass CV.
Students will learn how to create their e-portfolios using free, web-based tools (Digication, Googlio, Prezi, WordPress).
3) Third stage: Running the simulated enterprise
Students will implement the specific activities of the firm (e.g. buying or selling products or services), and monitor the entire activity of the firm throughout the fiscal year. Finally, the simulated enterprises will close their accounts, and evaluate their activity.
Students will create a web page of the simulated enterprise, and will take part in a trade fair (final activity).
Complementary classroom activities examples:
Students learn how to create a web page using free web design tools (Weebly, Wordpress, Google Blogs, Google Sites, etc.).
Using various text and image editors, students will create a poster to poster the trade fair. Also, students will design a catalog containing information about their company's products and

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