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Apa Research Rubric


Submitted By johnbichoven
Words 456
Pages 2
CONTENT (50 points)
| |Excellent: 9-10 |Satisfactory: 7-8 |Weak: 0-6 |Grade |
|Thesis |Clearly stated and |Clearly stated but lacking |Thesis unclear or missing | |
| |appropriately focused |sharp focus | | |
| | | | | |
|Analysis |Clearly relates evidence to |Evidence related to main points|Evidence not explained or | |
| |points; addresses audience |with some clarity; addresses |connected to larger argument; | |
| |concerns; effectively reaches |most audience concerns; reaches|fails to consider audience; | |
| |purpose |purpose |purpose unclear | |
|Attribution |Attribution with author’s last |Attribution with author’s last |Difficult to distinguish | |
| |name for all borrowed ideas |name distinguishes student’s |student’s ideas from source’s | |
| |adds clarity and emphasis |ideas from source’s ideas |ideas | |
|Development |Develops all main ideas and key|Discusses main ideas and terms,|Leaves out main ideas or terms;| |
| |terms thoroughly, using several|using at least two |details or examples have little| |
| |details or examples for each |details/examples for each; may |or nothing to do with main | |
| | |omit ideas or terms |ideas and terms | |
|Use of Detail and |Integrates details and quotes |Includes helpful details and |Details and quotes missing, | |
|Quotations |effectively to clarify and |quotes; integration may not be |disturb flow of ideas, or cause| |
| |illustrate ideas |smooth |confusion | |

ORGANIZATION (20 points)
| |Excellent: 9-10 |Satisfactory: 7-8 |Weak: 0-6 |Grade |
|Order |Ideas logically and effectively|Organization of ideas apparent,|Ideas out of sequence; | |
| |ordered |but some ideas may be left out|illogical, unclear, or no | |
| | | |structure of ideas | |
|Transitioning |Clear and effective transitions|Includes transitions between |Unclear or no transitions | |
| |between ideas |ideas |between ideas | |

STYLE and FORMAT (15 points)
| |Excellent: 5 |Satisfactory: 4 |Weak: 0-3 |Grade |
|Sentence Structure and|Well-written and varied |Clear, readable sentences |Sentences wordy, unclear, or | |
|Clarity |sentences | |detract from meaning | |
|Tone and Word Choice |Maintains consistent tone and |Somewhat consistent tone and |Inconsistent or unsuitable tone| |
| |word choice in relation to |word choice in relation to |or word choice in relation to | |
| |audience |audience |audience | |
|Grammar, Punctuation, |Few (0-4) errors in grammar, |Some minor errors that do not |A pattern of errors: commas, | |
|and Spelling |punctuation, and spelling |hinder meaning |fragments, s/v agreement, etc. | |

**APA (15 points)
| |Excellent: 5 |Satisfactory: 4 |Weak: 0-3 |Grade |
|In-Text Citations |Complete; written and placed |Complete; written & placed |Incomplete or missing; more | |
| |correctly |correctly w/ minor |than 3 written or placed | |
| | |inconsistencies |incorrectly | |
|Reference List |All entries alphabetized and |All entries alphabetized and |Entries are missing or not | |
| |cited in text; accurately |cited in text; minor |cited in text; form inaccurate | |
| |written |inconsistencies in form | | |
|Format |Accurate title, running header,|Minor inaccuracy in title, |Missing parts; inaccurate | |
|(Abstract/Section |headings, & abstract |running header, headings and/or|title, running header, | |
|Headings) | |abstract |headings, or abstract | |

TOTAL SCORE x 2 = _____________ (out of 200 possible points)APA

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