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Apache Traditions

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The Apache is a group of people that lived in the southwest area of the united states. The apache had many interesting social organizations such as family setups and their “bands”. The apache also had an advance and intricate tradition along with their art and literature. The apache government system is almost nonexistent but somehow the apache have it work for thousands of years. The apache people have been known to be very adaptive but also very stubborn at the same time allowing most of their traditions and practices still happen today.

The apache traditions range from their dances and their meaning to their food and even to how their marriages are performed. The apache wear masks and dance around the fire most of the time for major events …show more content…
Geronimo Fought against the Mexican and was so strong the Mexicans singled him out by branding him with the name Geronimo. In geronimo’s world, it was normal to raid other tribes it was just his way of life. In 1858 Geronimo returned home after going on a trading extrusion he found his whole family killed by the Spanish ( Geronimo then started to harass local settlements. The chiefs from other tribes started to depend on his wisdom allowing him some major pull within the apache people. Geronimo was eventually caught by the combined forces of the U.S and Mexican army and forced back onto the reservation. One of Geronimo's most Influential quotes was "I was warmed by the sun, rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes. I was living peaceably when people began to speak bad of me. Now I can eat well, sleep well and be glad. I can go everywhere with a good feeling” (, Intro). Geronimo's quote shows that an optimist and wasn't bothered by what others thought of …show more content…
Lorenzo Baca was born to the Mescalero Apache band and has not only done some writing but is also involved in acting (D. L. Birchfield, LITERATURE, ACADEMIA, AND THE ARTS). Many Apache are involved in the pottery business which was first developed by the apache on the plains but due to them being a migratory people they didn't carry around much extra stuff ( used by the Apache in their art include arrowheads, thunder stripes and the most sacred of all symbols for Apache's the sacred hoop which represents the Indian Chief (nativeamerican-art). The apache wore cloth meant to protect them from evil spirits and to bring them good luck this is often shown in their

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