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Squirrel Observation Paper

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Among the many animals that live around our houses, schools, parks and other areas squirrels. That have specific behaviors for everything that they do; just like humans communicate with speaking squirrels also use specific behaviors to communicate with each other. I did my observations at 3 different places to see how squirrels act differently in different environments. The first place was University of Cincinnati Blue Ash campus. The second was the University of Cincinnati main campus and the last was the wooded area behind my house. I noticed some behaviors that stayed consistent while other varied with the location of the observation. The first thing I noticed is that squirrels never travel in packs, or for that matter even with each other. …show more content…
These behaviors help the animals survive in the world and find food for the winter and take care of themselves. This behavior come about in the species as time evolved. The squirrels on campus evolved to finding food that people have thrown away while the ones in the woods have mastered looking for nuts and such in trees. The individuals that live in the woods have the same behavior compared to each other and the squirrels that live on campus have the same behavior compared to each other. I believe that the squirrels learn these habits of storing foods and finding what to eat throughout their lives. If one behavior doesn’t work, they change it to fit the situation as their life goes on. The selection pressures that are acting on squirrels in their lifetime are natural. The humans don’t have a say in what the squirrels eat or where they hide their food. I believe that if one year the squirrels can’t find enough nuts they trying finding other foods and that’s natural selection pressure. The strength of this pressure is strong because this is the reason the squirrels change and evolve to try and survive. If it wasn’t for the natural selection pressure the squirrels would not change or evolve the way they did and still continue to

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