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Game Of Jones Persuasive Speech

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Imagine this, a fight to be ruler of the free world, featuring a villainous snake that has been granted unprecedented power, a man viewed by the people as a hero, cast aside, despite his obvious potential and a experienced but evasive woman surrounded by rumours. Throw in some angry youths, a good dash of conspiracy theories and a barrel full of miscommunication to use as a plot device and you’ve got yourself an excellent story line. No, I am not talking about Game of Thrones, I’m speaking about the biggest reality TV show in the world so far- the 2016 US presidential election.

*sigh*, I know, you’ve heard everything there is to hear, seen all the memes and all the anguish, we’re all fed up with the American election right now. I mean, c’mon, we thought it was bad when the referendum was being dragged out and we ended up leaving the …show more content…
With nearly 8 million popular votes Ted Cruz followed Trump, albeit a little less successfully, leaving a trail of devastating memes in his wake. Infamously, he has become known as the “Zodiac Killer” of the election. Although the meme about the 60’s and 70’s serial killer first came to light in 2013 the dizzying heights of this election have made it seem all the more plausible, along with his many warped, racist views. Leatherface for president? Norman Bates? Hannibal Lecter anyone? No thank you!
And then there was Marco Rubio, another unelectable candidate. His stance on climate change is that it is ficticios-’most probably invented by the Chinese’ if Trump’s words are anything to go by, and ‘unthreatening’ to the human race. Anyway, he was completely unable to predict the outcome of the election, much like many other voters. In his words: “If Donald Trump is our nominee, it could be the end of the Republican Party. It will split us and splinter us in a way that we may never be able to recover. And the Democrats will be joyful about it. It's not going to

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