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Monotheist Religious Beliefs

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Since ancient times, there has been a controversial issue in religious worshippers and their activities. It mostly involves their beliefs whereby different communities have various opinions, and they worship different gods. Moreover, on this topic let us have a look at monotheism which is an understanding by individuals that there is but one God. These groups believe that they have a single omnipotent God as opposed to those religions that believe in multiple gods. It comprises of three major religious groups, and they are Judaism, Christianity and Islam but after critical analysis and significant advances, mathematics has permitted many to regard science as the fourth greatest monotheistic group. These …show more content…
These faiths outline their origin to an ancient text in the bible referred to as the five books of Moses in the Old Testament believed to have originated around the 1500 BC. Though they are extremely spiritual the five books of Moses; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy comprehensively served as the assertion of independence from captivity in Egypt and comprised of the people of Israel who happened to be the descendants of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham. He lived a long time before Moses and was given a promise by God that his descendants would bless the whole earth, and they would be like the soil of the earth. That when the soil of the land gets numbered, his descendants too shall be numbered (genesis …show more content…
His Scriptures got published by efforts of men like Lucas and Marcus, but the significant role was played by Paul, who had converted from persecuting Christians and was a chief professional in Jewish law. His intellectual work got recorded in masterpieces such as the book of Romans and the book of Corinthians. To be precise, Jesus had succeeded in making Christianity a leading religious group, but it faced opposition from many individuals who declared its interference with the religious norms and customs they became adapted to eventually. It led to the persecution of many Christians by ill-minded leaders who wanted to abolish Christianity. Finally, this orchestrated the crucifixion of the

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