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Moving Back To School

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Now we all know we just want to leave this school and move on with our life, because we all think that we have had enough of this school. We are going to transition smoothly to a nice high school and be ready to not see some of our friends again. We will all make good friends in high school, which is true. We know that we are mature enough to basically start a new life. Well, some of us of course. To be realistic, nothing is going to run smoothly and nothing ever will in making such a big change. Something will always go wrong because nobody is perfect.

We all had to go threw this school and all the classrooms, some shorter than others. Some of us came only one or two years ago. This has created many great friends and memories which will be some of the most important memories of our entire life. When we all first saw each other on the very first day of school with Mrs. guerino in the playroom, to today, right here, saying goodbye, for most of us the last time. It’s the last time, because we will be remembering each other forever and never forget about one another. We are all going to be happy with each other and we will never have any problems. …show more content…
If you have the endurance to keep moving forward, you could become a valedictorian, professor, business owner, parent, and eventually a grandparent.

To accomplish all these goals, you have to be prepared for what's to come and have the knowledge to make the right decisions. That is where this school came in. It trained us, tested us, and made sure we still knew that knowledge after the test.

Now if you’re in high school or college one day, and suddenly realize “Wow, I am so lucky to have all these wonderful skills,” you would like to thank someone for them and probably don’t remember who. That is why I will thank those certain people for

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