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West Broke High: A Short Story

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Violet had just moved from the Sunshine Coast to Port Macquarie for her father’s work. Her family had little money and fewer possessions. Violet loved her old school and was part of a great group of friends who had grown up together.
Moving from school to school can be very difficult. There is always a social hierarchy labeling people. West Broke High was Violet’s new school. Located in Port Macquarie, it was very old fashioned. It was very academic and had strong expectations for its students.

As her father dropped her at the new school in his rundown car, her palms were sweaty and her heart was racing. The landscape had bright green grass, filled with lots of plants. The schools walls were layered with bright red bricks and the old wooden …show more content…
I have a way that you can become popular,” Brittney barked. “I dare you to steal the master key from the principal office. You can tell me tomorrow what you are going to do.” In shock, Violet couldn’t believe what she heard. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. If she completed the task she would be accepted in the cool group but she knew what she was being asked to do was wrong. All night she thought about her decision. She desperately wanted to fit in and have some friends to talk to.

The next day Brittney was waiting for Violet. She would either become the girl who sits by herself every day; the one caught stealing or become popular and well known.
“So have you made your decision?” Brittney snapped.
“Yes, I’ll do it,” Violet replied anxiously as her stomach churned at the thought of what she was about to do.
“Good, meet at lunch so we can talk,” Brittney replied as she walked away feeling proud of herself. Already she had the new girl where she wanted her. First period had ended and Violet realized what she would have to do. Brittney and everyone in the popular group were sitting at their table. Suddenly Brittney waved Violet over. Overcrowded with judgment Violet walked over while her brow started to

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