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Personal Narrative: My Decision To Go To Tulane University

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My decision to go to Tulane University was probably the hardest decision I have had to make so far in my life. By the end of my junior year in high school all of my closest friends had made up their mind on where they would be going to college, but I was still changing my college destination at least once a week. Starting my senior year the question, “Have you decided where you’re going to college yet?” had become a prevailing one that I dreaded. I applied to nine different colleges and decided that the one that I received the most money from would be the one at which I would attend, this however was not the case. I was accepted to all nine colleges with scholarships from every one of them. The only thing that I was positive about was that I wanted to attend college in Louisiana, which left me with eight colleges to chose from. One third of my friends were going to Louisiana State University and another third was attending the University of Louisiana Lafayette. Both of these schools were main options for me, until my mom was diagnosed with cancer. This narrowed down my decision to three colleges: University of New Orleans Louisiana, Our Lady of Holy Cross College, and Tulane University. All three of these colleges had their different pros and cons. The University of New Orleans Louisiana was close enough to home that I could live on campus and be home …show more content…
My next option was Our Lady of Holy Cross who offered me a full scholarship and was very close to home,

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