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Burglary: A Typical Juvenile Crime

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Quiz #2 - Spring 2018 (25 pts)., Must be word processed. Use as much space as you need.
Name: Ashleigh Seabrook
Burglary is a typical juvenile crime. Describe this crime in detail, including 1) a definition of the crime; 2) trends in burglary; 3) where it is more common; 4) nature of stolen goods; and 5) ) fencing issues (5 pts)
Burglary is the unlawful entering of a legally defined structure or building with the intent to commit a felony or theft. The reporting rate for this type of crime is around 50%. In 2016, 25,513 total juveniles were arrested for burglary. The National Crime Victim Survey reported that 3.29 million households were burglarized in 2016. With the average loss being about 2,185 dollars. Burglary happens to be more common in residential areas with roughly 2/3rds (about 15.5% involved juveniles) of burglaries happening there. When it comes to burglaries the biggest factor that plays a role is how accessible the house may be. Juveniles aren't the smartest, but they do understand what to look for in houses that could potentially be their next victim. They are looking to see if the house is unoccupied, if there is a lot of windows, if the residents have a dog, is there fencing and how many houses are on this block? All this comes into play because they want to get in and get out as fast as they can without being seen. Once inside they look for anything that would be easy to get away with and make a profit. So, that could be laptops, gaming systems (Xbox, Wii, etc.) jewelry, tools, money and the list goes on and on. Once they have the stolen property in hand most of them don't go to pawn shops anymore because that's the first-place police officers are going to look. Instead they go to …show more content…
Describe the different ways that this can occur. Employ both real changes in behavior as well as artificial changes that might escalate delinquency rates in your answer (3

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