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Australia's Sporting Success: Participation In Sport Analysis

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As a nation we are very proud of our sporting culture and it is deeply embedded in our way of life. Many of our national heroes are from a sporting background and social events are often based around the sporting calendar. John Bloomfield text, titled “Australia’s Sporting Success: the inside story”, outlines the sociological trends that might influence participation in physical activity, recreation and sport. Sociology is the study of the social worlds that people create, organise and change through their relationships; this is a useful tool when investigating and analysing participation in sport (Coakley, Hallinan, Mcdonald, 2011). Furthermore Bloomfield suggests possible modifications for the future. The trends and strategies mentioned …show more content…
Unfortunately this is not the case. “Equity is studied to determine whether resources are distributed fairly” (Weatherby, 2011). Inequities are seen in gender socialization; society categorizes men and women into specific roles on and off the sporting field. This inequity can be traced from elite school based and junior sports through to elite levels. Australian sporting culture encourages high involvement within sport at all levels however it is obvious that the opportunities and funds provided would impact participation and success. Gender equity has evolved dramatically and it is clear that females have made great progress in gaining recognition and equal opportunities however more still needs to be done. Results of the population survey prove this with statistics showing the overall participation rate for boys (70%) was significantly higher than for girls (56%) and participation rate was consistently higher for boys across all age levels (ABS, 2016). Furthermore this is continued onto an elite level in which it is seen that female athletes participate in sports however receive much less media coverage and prize money. Golf being an example in which males receive more than five times that of their female counterparts, similar statistics are seen across most sports. However tennis is an exception in which it was seen in 2011 that Wimbledon awarded equal prize money …show more content…
Companies are more likely to sponsors athletes, clubs and sports as a whole if they are more successful. This furthermore promotes the sport continually increasing its popularity and participation. However this may be a negative for sports that do not attract such attention. This could disadvantage junior and elite athletes who wish to participate in such sports, as they would have to gain their own funding and support themselves fully. Additionally some junior athletes may choose not to participate in such sports, as they are not seen as ‘popular’ in comparison to the bigger sports. If there is no or minimal funding it places a greater demand on parents and volunteers in order for the sport to succeed; this may be a deciding factor for parents when choosing a sport for their children to partake in. In addition to this kids are likely to want to play the sports that their friends do as it has a greater social factor. Majority of the time these sports stem from school sports. The Australian Government invested $100 million to support over 5,700 schools and provided a range of professional coaches and referees. This enhanced participation within the younger generation, who are essentially the future elite athletes of our nation (Australian Sports Commission,

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