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Aphrodite Research Paper

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Long long ago, in the kingdom of Olympus, lived Aphrodite. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. She was extremely beautiful, all the gods would just look at her and fall in love with her. One week, she made a plan to have the Ultimate Diamond of Olympus. This was a very valuable diamond, worth millions. And she knew she wouldn't be able to get the diamond herself. So, she took a walk and looked for gods to fall in love with her. Then, she saw Hephaestus. He was big, had muscles and was strong. Aphrodite thought to herself, "I need him." and approached Hephaestus. As soon as he noticed her, he said, "You are beautiful! I am in love with you. I must worship your beauty and do whatever you say." Aphrodite smiled wickedly. She spent …show more content…
If we are going to be together, you must do me a special deed." "Anything for you, my goddess," Hephaestus said with a smile on his face. "You must bring to me the Ultimate Diamond of Olympus. I long anxiously to have it in my possession. If you go to the Olympus Cave and get it and bring it back, I will love you for the rest of our immortal lives." Aphrodite explained. When the sky turned dark and the clouds blurred away, Hephaestus set out to get the Ultimate Diamond of Olympus. He got out a map and looked for Olympus Cave. Meanwhile, the next day, Aphrodite was looking for someone else to help her obtain the Diamond of Olympus. Fortunately, she saw …show more content…
And then, alas! It hit her! Aphrodite had met Posidon a couple weeks back at the Olympus Supermarket and really hit it off with him. So, she decided to find him and ask, like the other two gods, for a favor. Once she found Posidon and he agreed about the Diamond of Olympus, Aphrodite was on to waiting for the three gods to come back and give the diamond. As she waited, she thought about how wealthy she would become off of the diamond. It made her smile just to know that that diamond would soon be all hers. Three days later, Hephaestus, Posidon and Apollo came back looking fiercely unhappy. "You are a liar! You are a deceiver!" "Yes, and I did it really well. I promised my love to the three of you if you could bring me the Ultimate Diamond of Olympus. I did it individually because I knew that if I got you guys together and told you to do it, you would argue over me and I simply don't have the time for that. And it worked! With the power of you three, you got me the Ultimate Diamond of Olympus! Now. Hand it over." Instead, the three of them yelled out, "Hey everyone! May I have your attention! All the people of Olympus!" As soon as their undivided attention was given to them, they explained about Aphrodite and how she tricked the three of them. Them Hephaestus said,

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