...supportLists]-->2) <!--[endif]-->APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:- Chairperson : Are there any apologies for absence for today’s meeting? Secretary : Yes, MrsChairerson, Bella is on medical leave being admitted to the hospital since yesterday because of contraction. While, Shahrul Khan is on business trip for the joint venture meeting with the company in Korea. <!--[if !supportLists]-->3) <!--[endif]-->MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:- Chairperson : Thank You, can we proceed to the next item, regarding of the minutes from the previous meeting? All : Yes Chairperson : Are there any amendment? Am : Yes, Mrs Chairperson. There is correction to item number 7. This item number 7, the amount allocated for show room gallery was RM45700, not RM45400. Secretary : Thank You Mrs Am, I’ll make the necessary correction to amount. Chairperson : Are there any other amendments? As : Yes, based on the previous meeting, on item 4.1, the date of the company trip is actually on 29th October not 23rd October. Secretary : Okay, I will take noted and change the date. Chairperson : Is there anybody else who want to add? All : No Chairperson :Thank you, can someone propose the minutes be passed as a true...
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...Someone has very aptly and wisely said that a stitch in time saves nine. It contains an invaluable piece of sane advice, which we constantly hear from our teachers in school and elders at home. This highly useful, didactic dictate applies to every field of activity. It implies that work done in time saves a lot of labour, later on. To illustrate it further, it can be said that suppose there is a tear in your shirt, the wisest thing is to stitch it up without any delay, otherwise there will be tears all the way down, which would require a lot more labour and time to put a patch on it. And the final effect too would not be as tidy as it would have been, if it had been stitched during the initial stage. Again, the same principle applies as regards your lessons. If one does not study through the year and hopes to pass examinations only by studying at the last moment, much more effort and time will have to be put in at the eleventh hour and still the retention would not be as effective as it would have been, if the work was done regularly through the year. Yet again, a delayed action quite often causes serious misunderstanding and even loss of friendship, where replying to letters is concerned. Certainly, letter-writing is not everyone’s cup of tea, but certain tasks have to be done and it is the best if they are done without losing any time. For instance, if one postpones replying to a friend’s or a relative’s letter, the other person might feel humiliated, thinking that one does...
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...up through a poor educational school system in New Orleans. I believe I was not taught the proper way to speak English, nor was I able to write it proficiently. Being a native from New Orleans, I spoke with an unusual tongue that resembles street slang or jargon. I then found myself writing how I spoke. Another problem that I have a hard time with is properly identifying grammatical errors. Since I cannot remember the rules or retain the information to correct errors, I will miss it in my writing or someone else’s writing for that matter. I will begin writing in one form and tense then shift to another form and tense and not notice a difference. This is one reason why I get uneasy about writing. One day while I was at work, the hotel had a pipe burst in a guest room. The room filled with hot water, causing major damage to the guest’s belonging and electronics. We handled the situation appropriately, but as the Front Office Manager, I had to write her a letter of apology. My letter was about one page long and I had it placed in her room while she was out. So, later that evening while she was at dinner, I approached her to follow up on a few things. The first thing she...
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... by Rehaan Bansal Someone has very aptly and wisely said that a stitch in time saves nine. It contains an invaluable piece of sane advice, which we constantly hear from our teachers in school and elders at home. This highly useful, didactic dictate applies to every field of activity. It implies that work done in time saves a lot of labour, later on. To illustrate it further, it can be said that suppose there is a tear in your shirt, the wisest thing is to stitch it up without any delay, otherwise there will be tears all the way down, which would require a lot more labour and time to put a patch on it. And the final effect too would not be as tidy as it would have been, if it had been stitched during the initial stage. Again, the same principle applies as regards your lessons. If one does not study through the year and hopes to pass examinations only by studying at the last moment, much more effort and time will have to be put in at the eleventh hour and still the retention would not be as effective as it would have been, if the work was done regularly through the year. Yet again, a delayed action quite often causes serious misunderstanding and even loss of friendship, where replying to letters is concerned. Certainly, letter-writing is not everyone’s cup of tea, but certain tasks have to be done and it is the best if they are done without losing any time. For instance, if one postpones replying to a friend’s or a relative’s letter, the other person might feel...
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...The Classroom Predicament Case Study In my opinion, the characters in the Classroom Predicament Case Study should be ranked in the following order regarding their responsibility in Adrian’s failing grade. 1. Adrian 2. Violet 3. Louise 4. Professor Johnston 5. Dean Richards 6. Rob Adrian should be held most responsible for the failing grade that she received. Ultimately, it was Adrian’s choice and decision to use work that was not created by herself. It is clear that Adrian thought through this process and made the decision to use a paper written by someone other than herself. Violet is next in the ranking for most responsible for the failing grade. Violet’s role in this situation included the emailing and sharing of the prewritten paper. She was the individual who gave the idea of using or purchasing a paper written by someone other than Adrian. Louise is next in the ranking. Louise provided the prewritten paper to Violet which is what Adrian used and received the failing grade. If she hadn’t provided this paper to Violet, which was forwarded to Adrian, it’s possible that Adrian would not have used a prewritten paper. Professor Johnston ranks number four. The professor posted his late policy prior to this occurrence. He made it clear to Adrian that he was unable to make any exceptions regarding his late policy when she asked for an extension. This made Adrian aware of the consequences if she were to submit a late assignment. Dean Richards is next in the...
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...Letter of complaint. A letter of complaint is usually written as a follow-up to a verbal conversation to someone who has not responded to the complaint. It is used to keep a written record of your complaint. In addition, more than one person might be the recipient of the letter. For example if you are dealing with a situation where you had unsatisfactory car repairs done on your car by a franchise dealership, you might write to the franchisee AND to the Head Office. Letters of request or invitation are generally considered to be a positive letter. The recipient will receive the information in a positive fashion. A letter of complaint is usually considered to be a negative letter. The recipient might receive the information in a negative fashion. Therefore, it is important that you choose positive language to help buffer the impact. Here are some suggestions for writing a complaint. 1.- explain the problem in the first sentences. 2.- remember that you are unhappy with the company, not the reader. 3.- keep the tone professional, not informal. Do not use a lot of emotional words (e.g. terrible, the worst). 4.- you may want to include a positive sentence about the company or your previous experience with the product. 5. Be specific about what action you are requesting. 6.- if this is a very serious complaint, explain what additional action you will take if the company does not take care of the problem. The language of complaints. It is not possible to...
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...be that information about the problems the company has had in the past as it will not make families and friends feel any better about this already scary tragedy that is happening. I feel that this could have been held out of the way until after the men were saved, for the family’s sake. The company itself if it did not already should have issued some more personal messages to the families of the miner that were trapped if they knew more information or kept them up on it as much as they could. After delivering the messages to the families, the companies should leave each family with someone in the company to keep in contact with to make sure that as soon as they find any information out that the families would be first to know. Every letter that is sent out to the family should be personal to each individual family, along with a letter I feel that they company should send someone with the letter to inform them of the accident. So they can help console the family, and answer any other questions that the family may have. A face-to-face and memo I believe will be most...
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... Cumberland Road London L10 9R5 18th June 1865 Dearest Walter, I’m writing to you today with a cup of tea by my side to let you know that I am safe in London. I do not want to discuss much about myself, likewise what I am doing; I want to discuss how Laura is. After I had the message about my letter being delivered to Laura and her not wanting to respond, I felt I ought to write to you. Hearing nothing after I have sent every one of those letters leaves me in the dark. I hope Walter, to not patronise you with this letter nevertheless I feel as though I have to get someone to articulate to Laura that I’m well. Her natural sensitiveness makes me hesitate to write to Laura once more. I do hope that she will find enough courage to compose me back a letter as not only does she needs to know I’m adequate; I need her to certify the same. By Laura not replying I hope I have not misunderstood her silence in thinking she is infuriated with me. I miss her writing to me, of her own thoughts and impressions, amid all the wonders she has seen. I hope you can comprehend my reasoning for leaving you and Laura. I realise it was a selfish act. Walter, as I write this letter to you and my darling sister; I think of Laura sobbing which seems to tear me to pieces. You realise Walter my tears are like mens for they do not flow as easily as they ought. In the year I spent helping you with your children, and situated by the fire reading stories, I learnt two very knowledgeable pieces...
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...This enraged me. I always got employee of the month. When the word got out, everybody congratulated him and even Mr Ted said “I bet you will get employee of the month all the time now. Blue’s got competition.”. This made me so angry. I decided something had to be done. I decided to write a letter of resignation signing his name! No more Grizzl! I wrote “Dear Growl Financials, sorry to be the ‘bearer’ of bad news. Get the joke? I will unfortunately be leaving Growl Financials to return to Idaho with my family. Apologies, Signed Grizzl E....
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...Tennessee Williams shows how lying can be destructive, and take over someone's life. Lying takes over Blanche’s life throughout “A Street Car Named Desire” lying allows Blanche to escape the reality of her life when she tells lies to other people, because she starts to let herself believe her own lies. Blanche escapes reality because she is not proud of her past, and wants to be something else but herself. Blanche tries to hide who she is to her friends, and even her family. When Blanche just meets someone, it’s easier to feed them lies about who she is because they don’t know anything about her so it’s easier to believe. It’s more of a struggle to tell her own family lies because they question her because they know her past. Blanche let’s lying destructs her life slowly, by ruining each relationship with someone important to her. Blanche lives in a fantasy world to hide from her reality. Lying can be destructive because people let it overtake their life, and the truth always ends up coming out because people end up forget their lies. In “A Street Car Named Desire” Blanche starts lying to her sister, and she knows she’s lying. Blanche says to Stella in Scene One that she’s taking a “leave of absence” from her job as a schoolteacher. The truth on that situation is that Blanche got fired from her job as a school teacher, and got asked to leave. Later on Blanche lies about her age to Mitch telling him that she is younger than her twenty-five year old sister to Mitch...
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...almost certain more jail time would be imposed. While socioeconomic status would play a role in my community in regards to the case outcome, I think if the juvenile showed remorse as did Justin in this case, that would be a major contributing factor to determining proper consequences. The media is always looking for remorse in criminals and openly expresses disgust for the lack there of in my town. I’d foresee a public outcry if a harsh punishment was imposed on someone who was genuinely sorry for their actions, especially a minor. The core values of restorative justice according to the text are (1) promote public safety and protection of the community (2) heighten accountability of youth towards victims and community for offenses (3) increase competency and improve character. All of these values were exemplified in the case study in my opinion. Public safety was promoted by them agreeing to have Justin go to schools speaking on the dangers of paintball guns. He was held accountable by having to write letters to the newspaper and...
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...in the morning is either the cause of your happiness, or the cause of your pain.] Ironically, the people who ignore you now, will somehow need you later. That moment when you randomly feel depressed for no apparent reason may indicate that you're actually missing someone. Old text messages, songs and photos provide a psychological window into the past. Revealing what you miss, how things used to be. Dreams often reveal feelings that we've hidden or repressed, because dreams are a reflection of our unconscious mind, our emotional truth. Sometimes being strong is a woman's way of pretending that nothing is wrong. Pretending not to miss someone tricks your mind into missing them even more. Music is one of the best uses to escape from all the negative things in their life Smarter people tend to make sarcastic comments quicker than people who aren't as smart. When a person cries, and the first drop of tears comes from the right eye, it is happiness. If it's from the left, it is pain. An instant change in mood from happiness to sad, indicates that you're missing someone. A girl's favorite song will tell you more about her feelings than she ever will. Constantly dreaming about someone indicates that they're missing or thinking about you a lot. You can meet thousands of people, and none of them really mean anything to you. Then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever. Cryovolcano! It's a volcano that shoots out ICE rather than lava...
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...University 11/27/2011 1. In late July 1990, Wilson, a Roman Catholic, made a religious vow that she would wear an antiabortion button “until there was an end to abortion or until she could no longer fight the fight.” The button was two inches in diameter and showed a color photograph of an 18- to 20-week-old fetus. The button also contained the phrases “Stop Abortion” and “They’re Forgetting Someone.” Wilson began wearing the button to work in August 1990. Another information specialist asked Wilson not to wear the button to a class she was teaching. Wilson explained her religious vow and refused to stop wearing the button. The button caused disruptions at work. Employees gathered to talk about the button. U.S. West identified Wilson’s wearing of the button as a “time robbing” problem. She cited religious discrimination, claiming that she was not reasonably accommodated. What result? Wilson v. U.S. West Communications, 58 F.3d 1337 (8th Cir. 1995). I think she had all right to wear the button but when it actually comes to her trying to force her beliefs on someone else, that’s where it begins to be not okay. This actually reminds me of the English only policy, it’s not against the law to put a stop to different language speaking unless in makes the other employees uncomfortable in legitimate ways. I think the same would apply here, she was making other employees uncomfortable and they have rights just like she does if she wasn’t trying to force her belief on everyone...
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...ENG4Ud October 7, 14 Ian McEwan - Atonement Everything we do or have done is affected by the challenges we face. Whether they are good or bad or if they are from someone in our lives or if it is a conflict we have to face, these things will be what challenge us to push us harder for our dreams to come true. Having dreams are a good thing with Briony, hers where to be a famous writer, and this all started with the play she wanted to through for her brother Leon. Also conflict plays a pretty big roll with Briony, especially what had happen to her cousin Lola and Paul Marshall. The last one that impacted the message to Briony was wither her sister Cecilia and Robbie, this was a big controversy about them never getting back together. No matter who you are, you will always be faced with challenges whether they are good or bad, there are always obstacles you have to face and move forward with them. Briony dream is to be a famous writer; even though she is only 13 years old she already knows her dreams and her vision for it. She wants to put this play The Tail of Arabella on for her big brother Leon because she is excited that he is coming home form London. Briony was hardly to know it then, but tis was the project’s highest point of fulfillment. Nothing came near it for satisfaction; all else was dreams and frustrations (McEwan 18). This quote is imported to the point where Briony never really knew that her dreams would come true. She was so happy for this play to happen but...
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...your family, friends, or classmates Dear mom, Your daughter almost died today I got into a car accident. My friend Tanya was driving, and out of nowhere a car came and hit us. I almost went through the windshield, and died. I think that you should give me lots of hugs and take me out because I’m still here. Dear Elizabeth, Friend I almost died today. Girl Tanya was driving like a bat out of you know where. You know she can’t really drive. Girl a car came and ran right into us messing with Tanya, and that phone. You know Tanya be on her phone twenty four seven , and don’t pay attention to nothing! Write a formal letter of 100 to 200 words to the insurance company. Use salutations and sign-offs where appropriate. Progressive 1234 state st. Junction city, KS 66441 To whom it may concern: My name is Sharita Jones I received a request to submit a letter informing you on what happen on the day of 4/20/2014. The driver Tanya Lewis was driving down north Washington St. at 6:30 pm when she came to a complete stop at a stop sign. She then attempted to pull off when this blue Camero came through its stop sign without even stopping, and hit us instantly. We were a little shaken up, but no...
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