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Submitted By noikin66
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Appendix F

Week Three Discussion Question 2

Read and complete the Team Exercise: What Do People Want from Their Jobs? (p. 198) in Organizational Behavior (11th ed.).

Disregard the instructions contained in the last paragraph of the assignment to break into groups.

Post your answers to the three questions listed below in the Main forum. 1. Which was higher: your Hygiene factors score or your Motivational factors score?

I scored higher on he Motivational factors (27) than the Hygiene factors (20)

2. Which of the 12 questions identifies your most important job satisfaction requirement? For example, if you answered #7–Job responsibility, that would be your most important requirement.

# 11 A job I can do well and succeed at

3. What do both of your previous answers say about what motivates you?

That with the Motivational factors chosen that I will be extremely satisfied with my job and I tend to agree. I was just recently asked by a person of upper management what my manager could do to motivate myself. My response was that “I am a self motivator and what I mean is that I excel in stressful situations, by being challenged in my position because I get bored easily, and that my success is what drives me because I put 100% in the work I do and anything less is a personal failure and is not an option!

Review your classmates’ posts, and then identify the post of a classmate whose answers seem different from yours. For participation, ask that classmate the following question: 4. Acting as my manager, what types of measures would you need to take to motivate me?

For example, if you answered that #7–Job responsibility was your most important job satisfaction requirement, and you rated higher on your Motivational factors score, your classmate might suggest: I would make sure you had regular opportunities to lead projects and meetings.

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