Premium Essay

Arab-Israeli Conflict


Submitted By Mujadder1
Words 3228
Pages 13
Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Arab League * October 1945 Britain helped form the Arab League * The first members were Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia * Its purpose was to prevent Soviet progress in the region * Others joined as they became independent * By 1983 new members included Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Oman, South Yemen, Kuwait and Bahrain * The 36 million Arabs had a common language and culture * Most were Muslims and hated colonial rule * They had similar economic problems * Even oil rich states had unequal distribution of wealth among rich and poor * But above all else they hated Israel

Palestine 1923-47 * British Mandate from 1923 * Promises made during World War I led to Arab expectations * Also led to Jewish hopes for a homeland * Theodore Herzl (Viennese Jew) started the Zionist Movement * 1896 First Zionist Congress – he proposed a national home for the world’s Jews * The Balfour Declaration seemed to be a British commitment to this * 1920s 10,000 Jews a year settled in Palestine * Arabs alarmed – saw this as more Western imperialism * 1922 Churchill said it was a promise of a national Jewish home not a state * 1929 Arab riots against the 100,000 Jewish settlers * Jews protected themselves with the Haganah (their own security force)

1930s * 1933 Britain restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine to appease the Arabs * Led to Jewish riots * 1933 Jewish demand for entry to Palestine increased (Hitler came to power) * The figures: * 1936 – 60,000 Jews went to Palestine * 1937 – 400,000 Jews living in Palestine * 1939 – 600,000 facing a million Arabs * 1937 – the Arab Revolt led to the Peel Commission * This reported that the Mandate could not work * Also said Palestine should be divided *

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