...Countries like Austria and Argentina have many similarities and differences and are countries that are talked about but what about the other features that people never go into depth about. Argentina is a country located in South America and it is a least developed country. Argentina is located in Southern South America bordering Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. It is covered by mountains which includes the Andes Mountains. Argentina is also covered with rivers and consists of lakes and hills. The climate of Argentina is usually temperate. Because the climate is different in Argentina depending on the time year it can also affect how humans interact with the environment. For example, when it is really dry then farming is really...
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...The Argentine Tango is Argentina’s greatest contribution to the world of dance. Many Americans recognize the Tango as a sultry partner dance performed on shows like Dancing With The Stars or So You Think You Can Dance. However, there is a vast history behind the Tango and what we take pleasure in watching today. In fact, the establishment of the Tango is deeply rooted in the economic and migrant history of Argentina, more specifically Buenos Aires. In the late 1800’s, the impoverished state of Europe encouraged many people to migrate to the New World. Migrants from Spain, Ireland, Italy, Germany, and Turkey fled Europe with the common goal of a better life. Most migrants dreamed of settling in New York but instead many landed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. To their displeasure, Buenos Aires wasn’t the escape from poverty that they fantasized about....
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...Introduction: In Argentina It is a season for religious celebrations as well as enjoyment of gatherings with family and friends.From Europe and America, the influences to the Christmas traditions of Argentina include the Christmas tree, red and white flowers, and the boots of Father Christmas. People even go to the extent of putting cotton on and around Christmas trees and the manger to simulate snow. The decorations on the Christmas tree are meant to produce a spectacular effect through candles or electric lights and other ornaments. Gifts surround the foot of the Christmas tree, while a figure of a star or Father Christmas is placed on top. Like Peru, Christmas dinner is served in Argentina on the night of December 24th. Upon the initial...
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...becoming the most popular and fastest growing form of alternative energy in today’s market. Compact Energy, Inc. (CE) is a newly formed organization with the goal of providing affordable energy solutions to all areas of the world. Currently, CE operates domestically in Eritrea and internationally in Argentina. In this paper, the team creates a product launch of CE’s compact windmill for both the domestic and international market. The team discusses the product, target market, market needs, market potential and growth, competition, marketing objectives and strategy, pricing, marketing communication, distribution strategy, and marketing research. Additionally, the team has completed a SWOT analysis of both the domestic and international market and a quarterly budget indicating the product launch expenses for a period of three years. Compact Energy, Inc. Compact Energy, Inc. is the innovation and creation of Team B, a diligently formed group of business professionals all preparing to improve the quality and availability of alternative energy throughout the world. Headquartered in Eritrea, a small country in Northeast Africa, CE established its most recent location in Argentina. Contributing to its rapid expansion, CE created a business alliance with Strabag International, an environmentally friendly construction organization with unprecedented experience in alternative energy construction and installation (Strabag, 2012). Product Description The engineers with Compact...
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...Abstract This paper would discuss the effect of external debt on economic growth with four areas, the effect on private local investment, foreign direct investment, government expenditure and export growth. Three theoretical models are adopted, namely Debt Overhang Theory, Liquidity Constraint Hypothesis and Crowding-out Effect respectively. Two policy implications on debt relief and debt restructuring are analyzed. And finally, the paper will include the discussion on the necessary tradeoff with inflation and contractionary fiscal budgeting after debt servicing. KEY Words: Heavily In-debt Poor Countries (HIPC), External Debt/Foreign Debt) Sustainability, Debt-GNI Ratio, Debt-Export Ratio, Debt Service Ratio Word count (excluding table of content, tables and reference): 2974 Topic: The Effect of External Public Debt in Developing Countries on Economic Growth - An Empirical Study on Argentina Abstract P.1 1. Introduction P.3 1.1 Literature Review P.4 1.2 Structure and Magnitude of External Debt of Argentina P.4 1.3 Theoretical Relationship between External Debt and Economic Growth P.6 1.4 Research Question(s) and Framework P.7 2. Data Collection and Empirical Analysis P.7 2.1 The effect of external public debt on:...
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...Under siege - 1 Under Siege: The Kraft Foods 2009 Labor Conflict in Argentina Roberto Luchi Austral University - IAE RLuchi@iae.edu.ar A. Ariel Llorente Austral University - IAE aal05@cema.edu.ar Paper Presented at the 25th Annual International Association of Conflict Management Conference Spier, South Africa July 12 14, 2012 Abstract: This paper examines a particular labor-management negotiation process, a Mandatory Conciliation (MC), as it is named in the Argentinean labor legal system, that took place from July through mid October, 2009, between the managers of the Multinational Corporation (MNC) Kraft Foods (KFT) subsidiary in Argentina -Kraft Foods Argentina (KFTA)- and the Workers Internal Commission (WIC) of the firm s most important industrial plant in the country. The Argentinean Ministry of Labor (MLAB) convened the MC negotiation to settle an organizational conflict, regarding of opposing views about what preventive measures were adequate to cope the risks posed over the workers health by the 2009 global epidemic outbreak of swine influenza A(H1N1), that escalated out of the parties control. The contribution of our case study, on such specific type of labormanagement negotiation, is that it allows to gain a better understanding on how negotiators, confront the complexity of contextual circumstances and manage the process and, in addition, that it explores through the theoretical lens of the Turning Points (TP) framework -precipitants...
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...Research project: The relationship between: the annual growth rate of GDP per capita and the public expenditure in Latin America. F29 F33 F43 O19 My goal for this research project is to examine the relationships that exists in between the annual growth rate per capita and public expenditure in Latin America. What I wanted to see is if a higher growth rate of GDP meant that a higher percentage was spent in the public sector. Data was gathered from the ECLAC, The World Bank and also the International Monetary Fund. Introduction The reason I was very attracted in this research is because as someone born in South America and lately Latin America has been doing better than before, and visiting South America the past year I have seen how infrastructure has improved lately so I was very interested in seeing how big of a role public expenditure plays in countries that are developing. Expenditure on welfare, health and education are an essential part of what governments do to enhance the quality of life of their citizens and the human capital base of their societies. My focus on public and social expenditure in Latin America is mainly guided by the concern of how Governments utilizes existing policies and seeing how these theories and policies have helped increase Latin America’s GDP. In Latin America we find a great variation in social policy regimes; ranging from Uruguay and Argentina, where a large majority of the population is covered by social policy and has decent...
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...“______________________________”in (Name of the country) is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. Place : …….. (Signature) Date : (Name of Student) ------------------------------------------------------ Institute’s Certificate “Certified that this Global /Country Study and Report Titled “……………… ……………” is the bonafide work of Mr./ Ms……… …………………….. (Enrollment No………..), who carried out the research under my supervision. I also certify further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. Signature of the Faculty Guide (Name and Designation of Guide) (Certificate is to be countersigned by the Director/HoD) _______________________________________________________ Demographics of Argentina | Population of Argentina, 1961–2010 | Population: | 40,091,359 (2010 census [INDEC])[1] | Growth rate: | 1.036% (2010 est.)[2] | Birth rate: | 17.75 births/1,000 population...
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...Evidence from Large Multi-Channel Retailers Alberto Cavallo∗† MIT & NBER This version: April 18, 2016 Abstract Online prices are increasingly being used for a variety of inflation measurement and research applications, yet little is know about their relation to prices collected offline, where most retail transactions take place. This paper presents the results of the first large-scale comparison of online and offline prices simultaneously collected from the websites and physical stores of 56 large multi-channel retailers in 10 countries. I find that price levels are identical about 72% of the time for the products sold in both locations, with significant heterogeneity across countries, sectors, and retailers. The similarity is highest in electronics and clothing and lowest for drugstores and office-supply retailers. There is no evidence of prices varying with the location of the ip address or persistent browsing habits. Price changes are un-synchronized but have similar frequencies and average sizes. These results have implications for National Statistical Offices and researchers using online data, as well as those interested in the effect of the internet on retail prices in different countries and sectors. ∗ Email: acavallo@mit.edu Financial support for this research was provided by the JFRAP at MIT Sloan and the NBER’s Economics of Digitization and Copyright Initiative. I thank Maria Fazzolari for her outstanding work implementing and coordinating all the offline data...
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...Abstract This paper discusses the definition and importance of a responsible and reputable business using TOMS as an example. Topics discussed are the environmental, economic, and social responsibilities of TOMS and they affect society. A Socially Responsible Company There are over 100 global trends to watch for in 2012. According to JWT Intelligence, the world's best-known marketing communications brand, the top ten trends will define and shape the future of the world. The number four trend in their video presentation is the rise of shared value. Rather than simply doling out checks to good causes, some corporations are starting to shift their business models, integrating social issues into their core strategies, aiming to create shared value. This concept reflects the growing belief that generating a profit and achieving social progress are not mutually exclusive goals. For example, Philips is collaborating with the Dutch government in a bid to provide affordable, sustainable energy solutions to some 10 million people across 10 sub-Saharan African nations by 2015. (Walter Thompson Company, 2009-2012) Another company demonstrating excellent social responsibility is TOMS. It is the belief of TOMS that they can improve people’s lives through business. They strive to operate with ethical responsibility. “One for One,” the famous slogan from TOMS Shoes, promises a new pair of shoes to a child in need for each pair purchased. The movement was started in 2006,...
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...agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private...
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...just because of her first name. We sometimes forget how something as personal as our name is stamped by our cultural origin. I did further research into her name; I found out that Luciana is a typical Spanish name meaning light. The religious ties were very prevalent from the beginning even before I had started the interview. Argentina like most of Latin America and my own culture, the Caribbean has a deep history of colonialization; which is even more crucial part to the history of Luciana Cappuciano since she is of European ancestry. The Europeans arrived in Argentina 1502 this is most likely when Lucky’s ancestors first entered Latin America. One of the issues Lucky faced is being ethnically a Caucasian but identifying herself as a Latina. This is her avowal identity, meaning that is the identity “that [she] choose[s] to associate with and portray” (Willis-Rivera 28). However most American ascribes a Caucasian identity to her because of her blonde hair and fair skin; which is features attributes as white in America. This issue was something we discussed with great importance during our interviews. Lucky identifying herself as a Latina despite being of European descent is not strange in Argentina. Actually the predominant ethnic group in Argentina is white; with 97% coming from Spanish and Italian descent (CIA World Factbook, Argentina). The confusion on whether Latina is describing a race or ethnicity it also describe in “The Essential...
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...Portfolio Strategy Portfolio Strategy This paper will focus on 23 global emerging markets studied by Goldman Sachs Investment Research. In this paper I will revise the initial portfolio strategy from 1999 that touched on long-term perspective on short term risk. The emerging countries are within Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Middle East. The information the company provided was strictly based on a predicted study of future outcomes based on emerging markets. The paper of itself does not issue a company strategy on how to use the information found. In this paper I will use scenarios the company presents and determine how Goldman Sachs should invest 5 million dollars recently received to maximize its wealth. In the overview Goldman Sachs mentioned: That they developed a model of discount rate determination that permits the company to recreate discount rate history and calculate discount rates for 23 emerging markets over the last 25 years. The comparison of current discount rates versus their long-term trend has powerful investment implications and turns the investment decision on its head. Abnormally high discount rates relative to history (normally interpreted as punishing cash flows) may be a buy signal, while abnormally low rates may be a sell signal. Current emerging market discount rates are approximately in line with their five-year moving average. From purely a risk perspective, Asian markets appear undervalued, while Latin America and EMEA...
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...IN THE ROAD OF A PROMISING FUTURE? | | |[pic] | |Fall 2012 | | | |This paper will be taking a deep look into how Mercosur affected its member countries when it was first created and| | |what the consequences were to take them to where they are now. | | | | | | | Introduction: This paper will take a deep look into a trade agreement created in March 1991 between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, called Mercosur (Mercado Común del Sur, or Southern Common Market). After understanding what a trade agreement is and what are the benefits and disadvantages of being part of one, I will analyze how the agreement changed the economy and overall welfare of the countries involved and how did their interactions changed ever since. Not only will the countries that are part of the...
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...ACADEMIC PAPERa Longitudinal patterns of comparative advantage in the textile complex – part 1 An aggregate perspective Peter Kilduff and Ting Chi Department of Consumer, Apparel and Retail Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina, USA Abstract Purpose – This paper seeks to present a preliminary investigation into long-term patterns of trade specialization among leading textile- and apparel-exporting nations, assessing patterns of comparative advantage across the textile machinery, man-made fiber, textile and apparel sectors of the textile complex to determine whether these conform with both trade specialization and industry evolution theories. A model of evolutionary change in intra-complex specialization is defined and evaluated. Design/methodology/approach – A revealed comparative advantage index is employed to evaluate international competitiveness for 30 nations over a 42-year period. With repeated measures, ANOVA is used, to determine the significance of the observed patterns across five income-defined groups of nations. Findings – Long-term patterns of specialization broadly reflect expectations of factor proportions theory and industry evolution models. Product and income group characteristics combine to influence comparative advantage. Higher income nations generally remain stronger in more capital-intensive sectors, while lower income countries have emerged to dominate labor-intensive sectors. However, inclusion of a more...
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