...just because of her first name. We sometimes forget how something as personal as our name is stamped by our cultural origin. I did further research into her name; I found out that Luciana is a typical Spanish name meaning light. The religious ties were very prevalent from the beginning even before I had started the interview. Argentina like most of Latin America and my own culture, the Caribbean has a deep history of colonialization; which is even more crucial part to the history of Luciana Cappuciano since she is of European ancestry. The Europeans arrived in Argentina 1502 this is most likely when Lucky’s ancestors first entered Latin America. One of the issues Lucky faced is being ethnically a Caucasian but identifying herself as a Latina. This is her avowal identity, meaning that is the identity “that [she] choose[s] to associate with and portray” (Willis-Rivera 28). However most American ascribes a Caucasian identity to her because of her blonde hair and fair skin; which is features attributes as white in America. This issue was something we discussed with great importance during our interviews. Lucky identifying herself as a Latina despite being of European descent is not strange in Argentina. Actually the predominant ethnic group in Argentina is white; with 97% coming from Spanish and Italian descent (CIA World Factbook, Argentina). The confusion on whether Latina is describing a race or ethnicity it also describe in “The Essential...
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...South America GEA1000 Josslen Leonard South America GEA1000 Josslen Leonard...
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...examined as one more crisis of the developing countries – admittedly a star pupil that had received praise from many sides – hit by the vagaries of the international financial markets and/or its own policy mistakes. illumination. But it could even be more interesting to examine the peculiarities of the Argentine experience – always in that general context – which did add to the difficulties other economies have faced and that have made it such an intractable case for normal medication. And not only those peculiarities and their consequences should better been pinned down. But also an attempt should be made at understanding that they were not just a result of the extravagance of that far away people in one Southern end of the world. This paper is organized in the following way. In the first section a brief And to a great extent that is a line that could provide some examination of some long-run trends in the Argentine economy is introduced. The next section is an attempt at a thorough examination of the performance of the Argentine economy in the 1990’s and the development of some severe imbalances eventually leading to an unsustainable situation. The following one, tries to explain the interaction among the various imbalances also as intensified by the peculiarities of the Argentine economic-institutional setup. The final section, is a brief description of the major events over the first half of year 2002 and the unresolved problems that stand in the way of a recovery and return...
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...“______________________________”in (Name of the country) is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. Place : …….. (Signature) Date : (Name of Student) ------------------------------------------------------ Institute’s Certificate “Certified that this Global /Country Study and Report Titled “……………… ……………” is the bonafide work of Mr./ Ms……… …………………….. (Enrollment No………..), who carried out the research under my supervision. I also certify further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. Signature of the Faculty Guide (Name and Designation of Guide) (Certificate is to be countersigned by the Director/HoD) _______________________________________________________ Demographics of Argentina | Population of Argentina, 1961–2010 | Population: | 40,091,359 (2010 census [INDEC])[1] | Growth rate: | 1.036% (2010 est.)[2] | Birth rate: | 17.75 births/1,000 population...
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...012-IBE-CaseStudies.docx Academic Year 2011-2012 International Business Environment Jean-Guillaume DITTER, PhD Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne – Burgundy School of Business SUPPORT DOCUMENT I - CASE STUDIES The texts making-up this document review and emphasize significant issues covered during the sessions. The questions asked at the beginning of each set of texts are meant to help students identify the issues that they should pay attention to. Students will work in teams on one single case study (see class outline for number of students per team). Each team will produce a presentation slideshow of its case study (7-10 slides per presentation, depending on the size of the case). Slideshows will be presented orally during sessions, according to the class outline (1520mn per presentation). Each team member will actively participate in his/her team presentation. Page 1 of 35 012-IBE-CaseStudies.docx CONTENTS Case Study 1. Text 1. Text 2. Text 3. Case Study 2. Text 4. Case Study 3. Text 5. Text 6. Text 7. Case Study 4. Text 8. Text 9. Text 10. Text 11. Text 12. Text 13. Case Study 5. Text 14. Text 15. Text 16. Text 17. Text 18. Text 19. Case Study 6. Text 20. Text 21. Case Study 7. Text 22. Text 23. Text 24. Text 25. Chinese Mercantilism .................................................................................................... 3 Chinese New Year ............................................................................................................
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...Global Business Cultural Analysis: Argentina Brittnay Glover Liberty University Dr. John Karaffa October 16, 2015 ABSTRACT The Global Business Cultural Analysis of Argentina analyzes the cultural perspectives of doing business in Argentina. Additionally, the paper explores several scholar articles that are associated with the major elements and dimensions of the culture in the Latin American region, how these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation, how the elements and dimensions compare with the United States culture and business. The paper outlines the communication in Argentina; verbal, non-verbal, communication style; the religion of Argentina, the business ethics of Argentina, the business values and attitudes in Argentina, the business environment in Argentina, social structure, customs, and the educational system of Argentina. The paper will allow the reader the opportunity to gain a wealth of knowledge on Argentina from various aspects. Additionally, the Global Business Cultural Analysis of Argentina provides knowledge on the implications for the United States businesses that are considering relocating to the country of Argentina and or the Latin American region. Global Business Cultural Analysis: Argentina Country Overview Argentina is a country geographically located in the continent of South America. Argentina is a vast country, encompassing most of the continent’s southern region between the Andes Mountains...
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...2. Executive summary • Two countries researched for potential market entry of Silkwood Wines, using macro-environmental (PEST) analysis, are Argentina and New Zealand. • Argentina is an attractive market for winemakers from ‘target-market’ point of view, but it is not a good time to commence exporting to this country. Unfavourable political and economic situation are the strongest factors that influence this decision. High physical, psychic, cultural and linguistic distances from Australia represent additional potential complications. • New Zealand on the other hand offers less opportunity for profits, but being physically, psychically, culturally and linguistically close to Australia, with a favourable applicable tariff rates and historically good relationship, it is a safe option. • American slightly positive GDP growth in the last quarter and some other latest statistics indicate that the worst times relating to world financial crisis is in the past. Nevertheless, world’s economists are prognosticating that long time is needed for full recovery. Some countries are still in recession and Argentina is battling hard to come out as a winner. Higher risks are associated with these hard times, thus a safer option is recommended. • Taking all this into consideration and the facts that Silkwood Wines are inexperienced in exporting and have limited human and financial resources, I recommend New Zealand as the best country for initial entry. With characteristics above described...
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................................................................... 97 I. GLOBALIZATION AND THE MULTINATIONAL ........................................ 99 A. Globalization Defined ................................................................ 99 1. The Key to the Kingdom: The Globalized Brand ............. 100 B. Barbie in the Global Economy ................................................. 102 1. Barbie‘s History................................................................. 102 2. Corporate Philosophy and Marketing Strategies behind Barbie ................................................................................ 105 II. MATTEL‘S BUSINESS VENTURES IN INDIA ......................................... 107 A. The Late 1980s: Barbie’s Tango with the License Raj ............. 107 1. The Licensing System ....................................................... 109 2. Limits on Foreign Direct Investment .................................110 3. Mattel‘s Joint Venture ......................................................... 111 B. India’s Economic Liberalization and Mattel’s Second Chance at Success...................................................................................113 1. India, the IMF, and the World Bank ...................................113 2. Mattel in India from 1993-2010 .........................................115 III. UNDERSTANDING WHY BARBIE FAILED IN INDIA.............................. 120 A. Barbie’s Body as an Indecent Representation of the Female Form...
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...Ferr_9780307465351_4p_01_r1.j.qxp 8/27/09 3:50 PM Page v The 4-Hour Workweek q E SC A P E 9 – 5 , L IV E A N Y W H E R E , AND JOIN THE NEW RICH Expanded and Updated TIMOTHY FERR ISS CROWN PUBLISHERS NEW YORK Ferr_9780307465351_4p_01_r2.j.qxp 9/2/09 2:37 PM Page vi Copyright © 2007, 2009 by Tim Ferriss All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Crown Publishers, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. www.crownpublishing.com Crown and the Crown colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. The 4-Hour Workweek is a trademark of Timothy Ferriss and is used under license. Originally published in slightly different form in the United States by Crown Publishers, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, in 2007. Grateful acknowledgment is made to David L. Weatherford for permission to reprint “Slow Dance” by David L. Weatherford. Reprinted by permission of David L. Weatherford. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ferriss, Timothy. The 4-hour workweek: escape 9–5, live anywhere, and join the new rich / Timothy Ferriss—Expanded and updated ed. Includes index. 1. Quality of work life. 2. Part-time self-employment. 3. Self-realization. 4. Self-actualization (Psychology). 5. Quality of life. I. Title. II. Title: Four-hour workweek. hd6955.f435 2009 650.1— dc22 2009021010 isbn 978-0-307-46535-1 ...
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...Pennsylvania "Timothy has packed more lives into his 29 years than Steve Jobs has in his 51." —TOM FOREMSKI, journalist and publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher.com "If you want to live life on your own terms, this is your blueprint." —MIKE MAPLES, cofounder of Motive Communications (IPO to $260M market cap) and founding executive of Tivoli (sold to IBM for $750M) "Thanks to Tim Ferriss, I have more time in my life to travel, spend time with family, and write book blurbs. This is a dazzling and highly useful work." —A. J. JACOBS, editor-at-large of Esquire magazine and author of The Know-lf-AII "Tim is Indiana Jones for the digital age. I've already used his advice to go spear fishing on remote islands and ski the best hidden slopes of Argentina. Simply put, do what he says and you can live like a...
Words: 47316 - Pages: 190
...CLIO. Histoire, femmes et sociétés Numéro 23 (2006) Le genre du sport ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Jim McKay et Suzanne Laberge Sport et masculinités ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur. Les œuvres figurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support papier ou numérique sous réserve qu'elles soient strictement réservées à un usage soit personnel, soit scientifique ou pédagogique excluant toute exploitation commerciale. La reproduction devra obligatoirement mentionner l'éditeur, le nom de la revue, l'auteur et la référence du document. Toute autre reproduction est interdite sauf accord préalable de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Revues.org est un portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales développé par le CLEO, Centre pour l'édition électronique...
Words: 9822 - Pages: 40
...Pennsylvania "Timothy has packed more lives into his 29 years than Steve Jobs has in his 51." —TOM FOREMSKI, journalist and publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher.com "If you want to live life on your own terms, this is your blueprint." —MIKE MAPLES, cofounder of Motive Communications (IPO to $260M market cap) and founding executive of Tivoli (sold to IBM for $750M) "Thanks to Tim Ferriss, I have more time in my life to travel, spend time with family, and write book blurbs. This is a dazzling and highly useful work." —A. J. JACOBS, editor-at-large of Esquire magazine and author of The Know-lf-AII "Tim is Indiana Jones for the digital age. I've already used his advice to go spear fishing on remote islands and ski the best hidden slopes of Argentina. Simply put, do what he says and you can live like a...
Words: 47316 - Pages: 190
...8 Creolization in Anthropological Theory and in Mauritius Thomas Hylland Eriksen A great amount of intellectual energy has been invested in cultural mixing during the last decades. Reacting against an idea of boundedness, internal homogeneity, and stability that has been associated with mainstream twentieth-century anthropology, hundreds—possibly thousands—of anthropologists have tried to redefine, reform, revolutionize, or even relinquish that abhorred “C” word—”culture.” The range of engagement is suggested in the apparent congruence between postmodernist American anthropologists (for example, Clifford & Marcus 1986) and their now classic critique of the Geertzian notion of cultural integration, and the older European critique of the structural-functionalist idea of social integration, which was led by people such as Barth (1966), whose rationalism and naturalism is everything but postmodernist. In both cases, presuppositions of integrated wholes, cultures or social structures, have been debunked. From being a discipline concentrating its efforts on understanding nonliterate societies, often implicitly positing the uncontaminated aborigine as its hero, anthropology increasingly studies cultural impurity and hybridity, and the dominant normative discourse in the field has shifted from defending the cultural rights of small peoples to combating essentialism and reifying identity politics. While this development has been important and necessary for a variety of reasons,...
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...RO D U CT S W H I C H A R E B A S E D O N A S I M P L E P R I N C I P L E T H AT I S T H E F O U N DAT I O N O F O U R E N T I R E C R E AT IV E P RO C E S S – A PA S S I O N F O R CA R S . A PA S S I O N W E WO U L D L I K E TO S H A R E W I T H YO U . > > > E AC H B R A N D I S A WO R L D O F I T S OW N . 4 06 10 12 14 Board of Management/Supervisory Board Report of the Supervisory Board The Board of Management Letter to our Shareholders Group values Financial Communication 18 Volkswagen share 24 Value-based management 26 Corporate Governance 30 40 46 50 53 58 60 66 Management Report Business development Net assets, financial position and earnings performance Volkswagen AG (condensed, according to German Commercial Code) Research and development Business processes Legal matters Risk report Outlook contents 40 ▼ net assets, financial position and earnings performance Sales revenue at prior year level Despite the negative effect of exchange rate movements, the Volkswagen Group generated sales revenue at the level of the previous year. However, earnings reflected unfavourable underlying conditions and special items. 12 ▼ letter to our shareholders Change and progress Our efforts are targeted at the goal of continuously enhancing the value of the Company as you, our shareholders, perceive it. 12 ▼ 14 ▼ 18 ▼ volkswagen share An attractive investment Despite difficult market conditions, the Volkswagen share has been attractive for analysts...
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...3: Culture While this Hong Kong pedestrian appears not to notice the Nike billboard behind him, featuring NBA star LeBron James wearing the Air Zoom sneaker, the Chinese people certainly did notice. The Oregon-based Nike corporation was forced to pull its “Chamber of Fear” promotion, based on a Bruce Lee movie, after an outraged public objected to the image of a U.S. athlete defeating a kung fu master. In the global marketplace, cultural differences can undermine even the most elaborate promotional campaign. inside Culture and Society Development of Culture around the World Elements of Culture Culture and the Dominant Ideology Case Study: Culture at Wal-Mart Cultural Variation Social Policy and Culture: Bilingualism Boxes Sociology in the Global Community: Life in the Global Village Sociology in the Global Community: Cultural Survival in Brazil Sociology on Campus: A Culture of Cheating? “Nacirema culture is characterized by a highly developed market economy which has evolved in a rich natural habitat. While much of the people's time is devoted to economic pursuits, a large part of the fruits of these labors and a considerable portion of the day are spent in ritual activity. The focus of this activity is the human body, the appearance and health of which loom as a dominant concern in the ethos of the people. While such a concern is certainly not unusual, its ceremonial aspects and associated philosophy are unique. The fundamental belief underlying the whole...
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