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Argument Against Euthanasia In Australia

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In Australia, at current euthanasia is illegal across all states and territories. However, the law is always changing, in the past there has been several bills to go through parliament in different states that haven’t succeeded, such as the recent bill drafted in Tasmania by the Greens leader Cassy O’Connor, who drafted a bill in May 2017 called the Assisted Dying Bill, however, this bill did not get passed. The Terminally Ill Act 1995 was enforced into the Northern Territory and after 3 months of operating and after a few people had been euthanised the Howard Government had overturned the act. Also, recently in May 2017, a woman in New South Wales (NSW) suffering from Neuron Motor Disease spoke up and wanted to have a right in deciding when to end her life. She claimed that she felt “trapped in her own body” as she was incapable of speaking properly. Her family stated that they did not want her to do die, but were respectful of her choice, as it was greatly affecting her physical and mental health. A bill was then drafted through parliament in NSW, with the purpose of allowing the terminally ill to voluntarily die, this bill consisted of the regulations that a person must be in chronic pain, suffering from a terminal illness and likely to die within the next 12 months (Andrew Leeson, 30/5/17). …show more content…
Previously, to this bill being drafted a survey was conducted in NSW consisting of 1500 people, 70% of people voted for having euthanasia legal, with these results being conducted it is presumed the bill will get passed towards the end of

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