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Canada's War: A Short Story

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The entire world was at war. The entire world. Canada started it by dropping a bomb on Australia, then in the middle of Europe. Turns out they were planning this for years. The world becomes disastrous, with Canada, North America and South America against Europe and Australia. In the middle of this war, the defenseless part of Africa is blown to pieces, killing millions of people. The part of Africa that was not destroyed, the nice parts, sided with Canada. Throughout all this war, scientists and engineers and everyone from around the world that wanted to stop the war met up in secret meetings, trying to figure out how to stop it. They met up for 10 years during this war. Until one young scientist finally spoke up. She, and her accomplices …show more content…
They were told to make sure the planet was good and report back. Once they reported back they were told to start making a second portal that connects the first portal so people could just walk through. Within four years the second portal was finished, and all the people from the group entered through the portal. Once everyone from the group entered, a discussion started. This was about who would go tell the rest of the world about the portals and planets. Finally, three people decided they would do it, so they went back through the portals. When they got back they found that Europe has been trying to make a truce, so they helped. Within one year, the truce happened. And the world was told about the knew planet. Of course there were the people that opposed to this, and they stayed back on Earth, trying to remake it. Once everyone one that wanted to -about 7 million people- have entered through the portal, they were given jobs, and everyone was able to walk through the portals as they please. Most people did stay on the planet, but around 200 people were content on staying on Earth, so they

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