Premium Essay

Argumentative Essay: Nazi's Medical Experiments

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Words 169
Pages 1
Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in U.S laboratories.
Including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and more.
The chemical, drug foods and cosmetics testing.
Each and everyday hurts a poor innocent life. Holes drilled into the skulls and others have their skin burned off, their spinal cords crushed.
As each and everyday they are barren in cages.
We can not just let this keeping going on .
All of these experiments are federally funded research is paid for with your tax dollars.
We are told about Nazi’s Medical Experiments ,we stoped it.
Why can’t we do the same for poor animals.
Testing on humans is wrong well so is when it is on an Animal.
No more , it's wrong and most of all we are not the one

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