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Ph In Pool Lab

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What is the importance of maintaining a constant pH of a pool to ensure a safe/clean pool?
There are several ways in which a pool may become contaminated by bad bacteria. The pool must be maintained to stop the spread of disease as well as be comfortable for swimming in. They need disinfectants to destroy the micro-organisms present and filtration to keep the water clean. Most of the chemicals are extremely pH dependant and have a certain optimal pH range that they are most effective in. This article will investigate the importance of pH in pools as well as the equilibrium reactions happening between chemicals. It will investigate the reacts occurring in the pool and what makes a pool safe to swim. As well as the importance of maintaining the pool.

Chlorination in pools is the most common form of disinfection for swimming pools. Pools are chlorinated because chlorine is extremely effective of killing bacteria. In the form of hypochlorous acid, chlorine kills bacteria by attacking the cell walls and destroying the cell itself. There are several ways to introduce chlorine into the pool. These include: tablets, powdered chlorine, or a salt chlorine generator which converts table salt into chlorine. The most common way of introducing …show more content…
However, the free chlorine can combine to ammonia like compounds known as amines. Amines are mainly introduced into a pool through sweat and urine. When the free chlorine combines to the ammonia and nitrogen it forms what is known as a chloramine. Chloramines greatly reduce the disinfecting power of free chlorine and can be up to 80 percent less effective than free chorine. Chloramines are also responsible to the smell of a pool which most people relate to the smell of chlorine. It is this which can cause irritation to the skin and eyes, as well as irritating the repertory

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