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Washington Heights Sociological Approach

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The Approach that I will be using will be quite conducive for the reader that finds the methodology that I have chosen quite interesting. The reason why I am using this approach is because it is the most conducive process in evaluating the statistics and demographics of the Washington Heights predominately African American community. This approach will consist of mixing data collection techniques by initially, exclusively making telephone calls to set up interviews.

The community that I serve is a hands on, one on one community, in which you can only receive the feedback you need by tracking the subjects down, and obtaining the data you need. This approach will actually address the topic at hand, because I am interviewing individuals one …show more content…
97% of the population is African Americans earn an Annual median income of $43,822. As we look at the Baby Boomers, the Generation “X” population and the Millennials, there is a total of 52% between the ages of 18-64, and 21% of these residents are unemployed. This is why Alderwoman Carrie Austin and I stand vigilant in our defense to argue that Washington Heights is a good neighborly community with a desire to establish a school garden/school garden curriculum to boost the moral for single parents, parents, and elementary and high school students that need to eat healthy, live healthy and fight against obesity. The South Side Help center assists in a few of the minor disparities that affect the citizens in public health.

Data Analysis Techniques

D. Data analysis techniques
The data will be analyzed as we look at the classifications of each subject from the quantitative aspect of the vital statistics of each subject in the research, and the analyzation of the qualitative data as it reflects to the open ended questions.


Potential Limitations

The only limitations that I can imagine would be the IRB restrictions for elementary and high school students and their parents, as it relates to the interviews. There may be students that are disabled, terminally ill, or wards of the state, which may dictate a few …show more content…
As Mayor Rahm Emmanuel desires to improve tourist sites that will attract visitors to Chicago, I feel that school gardens will be a great investment in the Washington Heights neighborhood, and other inner city urban communities and neighborhoods that will attract researchers and colleagues from all over the world. Governor Bruce Rauner would like for all businesses in Chicago to become self-sufficient and not drain the Illinois State Budget until there is no more money. School Gardens & the School Garden curriculum will not only be self-sufficient, but will also attract prospective students and their parents back to the inner

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