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Argumentative Essay On Pro-Choice And Pro Life

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“No woman can call herself free who does not have control of her own body” (Margaret Sanger.) Pro-Choice and Pro-Life is a widely discussed topic in our society today, but there should not even be a discussion as an abortion should always be available for women who need it. There are many emotional, physical, health, and persona reasons for a woman to get an abortion; that society and the government ultimately should not have the say so on.
The number one reason women have an abortion is due to lack of readiness financially. Now, you may be telling yourself that does not give a woman the right to “kill” her baby or maybe you are thinking that she should suffer the consequences of her action; but are you, as a pro-lifer, personally going to provide for that baby? Are you going …show more content…
This statement cannot be stressed enough because only those two individuals know the situation there are in. Personally, I can testify to this. At just seventeen years of age, I ended up pregnant. I did not have a job, as I was a high school student taking Honors AP classes and duel credit classes for college. My family were conservative Christians, so having a baby out of wedlock was not an option for me. I found myself having to steal a pregnancy test and take it in the bathroom of a subway, just to confirm what I thought was true. My biggest fear of all was that the father of the child was extremely abusive. I feared for my own safety constantly and was unwilling to put a child into that situation. I felt an abortion was best choice for not only my life, but that child’s life too. I did not make this decision lightly and Pro-Lifers do not understand the pain I continue to deal with four years later. I firmly belief my life would be drastically worse if I had brought that baby to term and do not believe anyone else was or will ever be allowed to make that decision for

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