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Arguments Against Dbq

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How many of you reading this would say racism or caste discrimination was wrong? How many of you would vehemently protect the rights of another caste or race if the government suddenly declared that they shouldn’t be allowed to exist? I wouldn’t be surprised if most of you would be rather confused upon hearing this statement; after all, what kind of dystopian world suddenly decides that a particular group of people don’t deserve to live, nobody has the right to do that. I believe the entire nation would be in an uproar protesting it because everyone knows that it’s not really their fault that they were born into their caste, everyone deserves an equal opportunity to make their own life their way. So why is it that when the government declares that all the members of the LGBQ community are officially illegal, in fact homosexuality …show more content…
Aren’t they human as well? They didn’t have a choice about who they were born as either. So why then can’t they be given the same chances as everyone else is given in the society? (Note the fact that the T in LGBTQ is missing, the Indian government officially recognizes transgenders, just transgenders, as the third gender.)
Several arguments that have been made against this topic include the statements “It’s against our culture”, “It’s unnatural.” and “It will influence the next generation of kids wrongly”. However, the, most common and the most ridiculous statement of all these is, “Of course they have a choice!” The funny thing is that all the above arguments can be quelled by a single question, “Would you want to be a homosexual if you had the choice?” I don’t really think anyone would answer yes to that question, for several reasons. For one, it’s terrible to be one of the most stigmatized groups in the country. The

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