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Arguments Against Gay/Lesbian Teens

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“All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.”Harvey Milk, (Harvey Milk Quotes) acceptance is critical for gay/lesbian teens. Gay/lesbian teen that grow up in an environment which accepts and support them grow up mentally healthy and with high self-esteem, opposite to those teens that grow up facing rejection, bullying, discrimination harassment, depression, and being homeless are some of the problems gay/lesbian teens face. Many Gay/Lesbian teens end end up being homeless because of the rejection at their home, some teens are force to leave by the parents while other run-away to escape from the emotional, mental and physical abuse that was given to them, just because of their sexual orientation. In the article “America’s Shame: 40% of Homeless Youth Are LGBT Kids." claims that a study conducted by …show more content…
According to Child Trends, A study the University of Nebraska show that 58% homeless gay/lesbian youth reported of being victim of sexual abuse at the streets or shelters. Not only that many gay/lesbian teens are not accepted in shelters, foster homes or other program because of their homosexuality, Gay/ lesbian living in this situation are more likely to use drugs, commit survival crimes and end up in jail. ironic how gay/ lesbian teens become homeless trying to get away from rejection and abuses they had home, to just find violence in the streets and the discrimination in the shelters. Other of the major problem homosexual teen’s face in their daily life if bullying, According to “LGBT Bullying Statistics." In 2013 the National Center for educational Statistic reported that 27.3% of all students were bullied by peer at school because of their sexual orientation. Because of the harassment, physical/verbal assault and teasing 64% of Homosexuals teens didn’t felt school was a safe for them.32 % admitted of not going school at least one day because they feel

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