...Constitutional Law: Bill of Rights TUTORIAL 1: WRITING AN OP-ED Do you have an interesting opinion to share? Is something driving you crazy? Is there something which needs to be said which no-one else is saying? If you can express it clearly and persuasively in an op-ed, you can reach thousands of people, and possibly sway hearts, change minds, influence decision-makers and even shape public policy. In the process, you also earn recognition for yourself and your institution, all for less effort than it takes to write a professional journal article. An op-ed is a short punchy piece of writing in which you give your opinion and try to convince your readers why you are right. It is not like an essay that unfolds slowly like a carpet. Quite the opposite because in an op-ed you open with your conclusion – the one message that you want to get across in the op-ed. This is the most important thing to remember about an op-ed. You have space for ONE message only. The rest of the op-ed is for you to make your case and support your view or conclusion. In the process of doing so, you usually play an educating role for readers who have no specialist knowledge of the subject matter. It is important though that your op-ed is accessible and not preachy. So an op-ed is the expression of your opinion, but backed up with facts, research or first-hand information. Typically an op-ed is 700-800 words. Any longer and you risk an editor deciding not to publish it because she can’t...
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... is ‘n bekende Amerikaanse NFL speler asook akteur. Op 12 Junie 1994, is OJ Simpson se gewese vrou (Nicole Brown) en haar vriend, Ronald Goldman gekry, waar hulle vermoor is, net buite haar huis in die kompleks waar sy woon. Albei slagoffers was gevind in die paadjie wat na die huis se deur loop. Die LAPD het verskeie DNA bewyse gekry wat OJ Simpson aan die moord verbind het. Die LAPD het deur middel van die media Mnr. Simpson in kennis gestel dat hy homself teen 11:00 die oggend op, 17 Junie 1994 moet inhandig by die polisie. Mnr. Simpson het homself nie oorhandig aan die polisie nie, maar het wel ‘n nota gegee aan sy prokureur (Robert Kardashian) waarin Mnr. Simpson die media toe spreuk, van die feit dat hy niks met die moord te doen het nie en dat hy geskok was om te hoor wat gebeur het. Die nota het dit ook laat blyk dat Mnr. Simpson van plan was om selfmoord te pleeg. Wat as waar bewys is toe hy dreig om homself te skiet terwyl hy in die agter sitplek van sy Ford Bronco gesit het wat deur sy vriend Al Cowlings bestuur is op die tyd. Hy was oortuig om homself nie te skiet nie en was gearresteer. Mnr. Simpson het onskuldig gepleit op altwee aanklagtes van moord en die saak het die hof bereik op 29 Januarie 1995. Aangesien die aanklaer nie die moord wapen of finger afdrukke gehad het om as bewyse te dien nie, het hulle gefokus op die DNA wat op die toneel gevind was. Onder andere: 1. Hare wat op die toneel asook op die lyke gevind is. 2. Skoen spore ,uit bloed, war...
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...in previous chapters can be used to organize essays. An essay arguing a decision is organized in a different way from one offering a problem diagnosis.The structure of problem, decision, and evaluation essays is described in chapters 10 through 12, respectively. The chapters also include cases and sample essays about them. The essays are based on the writing of MBA students. To convince a reader that a conclusion about a case is valid, the writer must offer credible evidence linked directly to the conclusion. This fact helps explain the characteristics case-based essays have in common: 1. Answers two questions—What? Why?—and often a third—How? 2. Makes a position statement (What?) OT C CHAR ACTERISTICS OF A PERSUA SIVE C A SE ESSAY OP riting about a case is very different from talking about it.You collaborate with others in a discussion, bringing to bear everyone’s background and case preparation along with the instructor’s knowledge and facilitation skills. But you usually work on your own when writing about a case.You have to perform the entire analysis yourself as well as organize and express your thinking for a reader. However, the difference between talking and writing about a case runs deeper still.Audiences have much more exacting expectations of a text than they do of spoken comments. Logical gaps and the back-and-fill tolerable in a discussion are a major problem in an essay, confusing readers and undermining the writer’s credibility. Audiences don’t want a transcript...
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...control has once again been thrust back onto the main stage in the United States. In a New York Times op-ed titled, “How to Win an Argument About Guns”, Nicholas Kristof takes on this very issue. According to his bio, Kristof has been a foreign correspondent and columnist for the New York Times since 2001. However, his bio says nothing about any involvement with firearm related topics. This makes his opinions less trustworthy than that of an actual expert on the issue. Kristof is very pro gun control and dispels five main myths from those that oppose his views on gun control. The author believes that greater restrictions and laws concerning firearms will lead to a safer country and far less casualties....
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...unusual point of view on a current public conundrum, along with a relevant platform (e.g., being a teacher, businessman, lawyer, doctor, parent or stamp collector) you don’t need clips or editorial experience on your résumé—just quick thinking and an understanding of the form of these articles. I once sent a hastily written kvetch about a Kmart opening in my Greenwich Village neighborhood to The New York Times at noon, had an acceptance by 2 p.m., was sent a copy by midnight and received a check within a week. Here are the essential elements of a successful and sellable op-ed. 1. BE TIMELY OR EARLY. I submitted my Kmart commentary the week the local branch opened, which, luckily, coincided with a front-page debate about superstores infiltrating Manhattan. Timeliness is essential with this genre, especially now that online news sites can update as often as they choose. The presidential election was hot for op-ed writers until Nov. 4; then, regular columnists took over the topic. Be sure to factor in lead times and how long it can take an editor to reply (especially if he doesn’t know you). If the Fourth of July is next week, your patriotic piece might already be too late. Retool it for Labor Day. Holidaysare reliable hooks because they happen every year, so you can plan ahead (or try...
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...:## :## # C.A.#No.#8974VCD# # # # # # _________________________________________________________________# # # _________________________________________________________________# # # # # Team#W# Attorneys#for#Appellee# February#7,#2014# # # # # # Table#of#Contents# TABLE#OF#CITATIONS# ................................................#iii# . NATURE#OF#PROCEEDINGS# ...............................................#1# . SUMMARY#OF#ARGUMENT# .................................................#2# . COUNTERSTATEMENT#OF#FACTS# ...........................................#3# . ARGUMENT# ............................................................#6# . I. THE# COURT# OF# CHANCERY# PROPERLY# ISSED# A# PRELIMINARY# INJUCTION# BECAUSE# PLAINTIFFS# DEMONSTRATED# A# REASONABLE# PROBABLITY# OF# SUCCESS# ON# THE# MERITS# CONCERNING# THE# MERGER# OF# PRAISE# VIDEO# WITH#NEW#HOPE#PUBLISHING#COMPANY## ...........................#6# A. Question#Presented#....................................#6# B. Scope#of#Review#.......................................#6# C. Merits#of#the#Argument#................................#6# 1. Praise# fiduciary# duties# when# they# made# no# attempt# to# balance# the# overriding# pecuniary# interests# of# the# public# benefit# iden certificate#of#incorporation# .....................#6# # a. The# Board# of# Directors# failed# to# adhere# to# which# is#...
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...In Brooklyn Harvey’s Op-Ed, Opinion: High schools need to implement financial literacy to prepare students for college loans, she describes the emerging need for financial literacy in high school settings. She employs rhetorical appeals to support her writing and aims her argument toward both school administrators and her fellow students. Harvey’s goal is to explain the existing problem, how it affects students and young adults, and plausible solutions to these hardships. She intends to highlight what is missing from high school education and inspire her peers to dig deeper and educate themselves. The writing certainly has a passionate undertone which inclines the reader to assume there is some deeper connection between the topic and the author....
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...In Europe the Europeans let their teens drink from an early age. They also claim they have less alcohol-related problems than the United States, and their teens learn to drink responsible and are less likely to “binge drink.” According to T. R. Reid’s May 4 [2003] op-ed piece, “Let My Teenager Drink,” amid a national outcry over an epidemic of “ binge drinking,” the politicians don’t like to admit that this problem is largely a product of the liquor laws (86). That is a total myth. Among American youth binge drinking rates are higher in European countries by almost double. According to Joseph Califano Jr’s May 11 [2003] op-piece, “Don’t Make Teen Drinking Easier,” in 2001 the Justice Department released an analysis comparing drinking rates in Europe and the United States. The conclusion: American 10th graders are less likely to use and abuse alcohol that people of the same age in almost all European countries, including Britain” (88) There is also the argument that you should be able to drink at eighteen, since at that at the age you are considered an adult by law and are allowed to vote and go to war. Though a valid point there are lots of consequences. According to Robert Voas’ January12 [2006] op-ed piece, “There’s no benefit to lowering the drinking age,” the 21 law is predicated on the fact that drinking is more dangerous for youth because they’re still developing mentally and physically, and they lack the experience and are...
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...You are therefore expected to take up mature, well-reasoned and supported positions in your writing. In order to do this it is crucial that one become aware of opposing viewpoints on any given topic, acknowledging their respective merits and noting their respective drawbacks, always keeping an open mind and allowing your position to shift and gain nuance . Classically, an argument is not considered complete until the opposing positions are discussed, conceded to, and possibly refuted. In your Commonplaces Folder, you will gather articles that participate in arguments relevant to informed, democratic citizens. This ongoing collection will provide material, background knowledge, and perspective on current events, an essential for the AP exam, and to a functioning democracy. Each entry will consist of: 1) A hard copy of the article/column, no more than two months old, and at least two pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt, single spaced). It cannot be a straight news story. It must be taking on a current topic that is of some importance locally, nationally, or globally and address opposing viewpoints. Feature and op-ed articles are a good place to look. 2) An objective summary paragraph that clearly articulates the articles main points. The topic sentence should include the title, author, and source. Is the article taking up one position or discussing multiple positions? Incorporate a discussion of the articles main values/priorities (economic, political, sociological, psychological...
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...Judaism’s Rejection of the Original Sin In the bible, the story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis serves as scriptural evidence of humankind’s first transgression of God’s command resulting in the expulsion from paradise. Christians claim that humans are tainted from the fall and many scholars reinforce the idea of a recovery narrative, which depicts the bible as following a pattern of decline and recovery, thereby reinforcing the belief that something was once lost and must be recovered. After mankind’s fall from the state of perfection, Christians believed that Jesus was their savior and would consequently sacrifice himself in order to redeem man. Through the act of disobedience in Genesis emerged the concept of the original sin, which stipulates that humans are born sinners and that sins pass from parent to child as an inherited characteristic. Jewish believers, however, often criticize this notion and although they acknowledge that the human race came under the dominion of sin, which would affect their subsequent environment, Judaism, unlike Christianity denies that man is born into this world in a state of sin. Judaism affirms that the act of sinning is not part of the human condition but rather represents a conflict between two opposing inclinations (a good and an evil tendency) and that man has the ability to resist sin and can overcome the evil inclination by willing himself to become a righteous person. Therefore, Jewish people believe that man is inherently...
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...1/22/07 3:37 PM Page i RP OS T ElletFM.qxp THE DO N OT C OP YO CASE STUDY HANDBOOK 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page ii DO N OT C OP YO RP OS T ElletFM.qxp 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page iii RP OS T ElletFM.qxp YO THE OP CASE STUDY HANDBOOK How to Read, Discuss, and OT C Write Persuasively About Cases DO N William Ellet Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page iv RP OS T ElletFM.qxp Copyright 2007 William Ellet YO All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 11 10 09 08 07 5 4 3 2 1 OP No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163. The copyright on each case in this book unless otherwise noted is held by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and they are published herein by express permission. Permission requests to use individual Harvard copyrighted cases should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to the Permissions Editor, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163. OT C Case material of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration is made possible by the...
Words: 99835 - Pages: 400
...THE ON OT C OP YO CASE STUDY HANDBOOK RP OS T ON OP YO RP OT C OS T THE ON OT C Write Persuasively About Cases OP CASE STUDY HANDBOOK How to Read, Discuss, and William Ellet Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts YO RP OS T Copyright 2007 William Ellet All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 11 10 09 08 07 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163. The copyright on each case in this book unless otherwise noted is held by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and they are published herein by express permission. Permission requests to use individual Harvard copyrighted cases should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to the Permissions Editor, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163. ON OT C Case material of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration is made possible by the cooperation of business firms and other organizations which may wish to remain anonymous by having names, quantities, and other...
Words: 96750 - Pages: 387
...Michael Mandel van de Progressive Policy Institute, een denktank. In een nieuw rapport over "schaal en innovatie", concludeert hij dat de huidige economie bevoordeelt grote bedrijven meer dan kleine. Big is terug, zoals deze krant heeft gesteld. En groot is slim, om drie redenen. Eerste, zegt de heer Mandel, is de economische groei in toenemende mate gedreven door grote ecosystemen zoals degenen die zich rond Apple's iPhone of Android besturingssysteem van Google. Deze ecosystemen moeten worden beheerd door een kern bedrijf dat de omvang en de vaardigheden om technologisch leiderschap te bieden heeft. Ten tweede, globalisering legt meer van een premie op maat dan ooit tevoren. Om de vruchten van innovatie is het niet langer genoeg om een groot bedrijf te zijn voor Amerikaanse normen vast te leggen. U moet in staat zijn om op te staan om opkomende wereld reuzen, waarvan vele worden ondersteund door iets nog groter: de staat. Derde, veel van de belangrijkste uitdagingen voor vernieuwers betrekken uitgestrekte systemen, zoals onderwijs en gezondheidszorg, of gigantische problemen, zoals de opwarming van de aarde. Om een serieuze verandering om een complex systeem te maken, heb je meestal...
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...Package ‘quantmod’ July 24, 2015 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework Version 0.4-5 Date 2015-07-23 Depends xts(>= 0.9-0), zoo, TTR(>= 0.2), methods Suggests DBI,RMySQL,RSQLite,timeSeries,its,XML,downloader Description Specify, build, trade, and analyse quantitative financial trading strategies. LazyLoad yes License GPL-3 URL http://www.quantmod.com https://github.com/joshuaulrich/quantmod BugReports https://github.com/joshuaulrich/quantmod/issues NeedsCompilation yes Author Jeffrey A. Ryan [aut, cph], Joshua M. Ulrich [cre, ctb], Wouter Thielen [ctb] Maintainer Joshua M. Ulrich Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2015-07-24 21:10:42 R topics documented: quantmod-package addADX . . . . . . addBBands . . . . addCCI . . . . . . addExpiry . . . . . addMA . . . . . . addMACD . . . . . addROC . . . . . . addRSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
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...relationship, thus the adopting parents have the obligation to provide for the adopted child support, and they are also recognised for the purposes of inheritance rights and custody.. Y dated X for a period of two weeks and they later broke. However after two months X realised she is pregnant, she eventually gave birth. During the entire gestation period Y was not aware, five months later after the birth of her child X requested Y’s permission to give away her new-born. As a result of shock Y expectedly consented, however he later rationalised things and realised he made mistake. However a couple J and H have already prepared to receive the new-born. This paper will provide legal advice to Y, it is going to make mention of the potential arguments X and J and H might put. And also it will explicitly look at the child’s best interest. As a result of a series of situations several people have children out of wedlock, similar to Y and X situation. Since these circumstances do not involve asserts for distribution the crucial subject is mostly about maintenance, child support (father mostly), father’s right to contact with the child, often the mother limits or denies the father that right. However children are the ones who are violated in these situations. In the Children’s Act the focus on the child’s rights, the Act asserts that the best interests of the child are paramount and should therefore be taken into account in every decision concerning the care, protection and wellbeing of...
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