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Submitted By byron1812
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Ethics in Aristotle’s Philosophy
Ruth Geter
AC 504 Ethical Issues in Business and Accounting
Unit 2 Assignment
July 19, 2016

Aristotle Philosophy
I have chosen Aristotle as my philosopher. “He was the first to argue that equals should be treated equally, and unequal’s should be treated unequally in proportion to their relevant differences” (Brooks and Dunn, 2014). In today’s society people sometimes lose sight of being ethical and often know what is right but chooses to not do the right thing. Most of the time it is out of greed or selfish reasons. His ethical theory is about being happy. “Of all the classical theories considered here, his is the farthest from an ethics of self-interest” (P.I.E,2006). Included in this paper will be philosophy, history of Aristotle, his theories, ethical practices in accounting and business in general and the connection between me and Aristotle.
“Philosophy is the fundamental study of ideas about knowledge, truth, reality, and the meaning of life” (free dictionary, 2015). According to the dictionary a philosopher is someone who offers theories or opinions in relation to profound questions in terms of ethics, logic, metaphysics, and other related fields” (free dictionary, 2015). Ethics help society in everyday situation whether personal or business related. Ethics help guide us to solutions where the answer is not right or wrong. It is important to weigh the decision based on who may benefit from the outcome. The benefit should be both parties benefit not one more than the other. The question will always be asked do I make myself happy or sacrifice for a bigger cause? In every decision this should be the question one ask of him or herself.
In 384 B.C. Aristotle was born in Stagira, Greece. After the death of his father Aristotle guardians sent him to attend The Center of Intellectual and

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