...The Army Times recently dispersed a possible update to the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) that has caused quite a commotion amongst the soldiers within my unit. This update is known as the Army Combat Readiness Test (ACRT) and consists of six physical events to test a soldier with rather than the three that are currently tested with the APFT. The six events, one of which being the two-mile run that soldiers have learned to love, now include weight-lifting exercises such as a 250-meter spring/drag/carry, a deadlift, a power throw, as well as an exciting twist on our currently used push-ups and sit-ups; a T-push-up and a leg tuck. Although this test is new and exciting (and more practical to some), it is not approved as of yet and possible...
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...1. List the five components of fitness. a. Cardiorespiratory (CR) endurance b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Flexibility e. Body composition 2. Seven recognized Principles of Exercises. List at least five. f. Regularity g. Progression h. Balance i. Variety j. Specificity k. Recovery l. Overload 3. Three phases of conditioning when designing a fitness program m. Preparatory n. Conditioning o. Maintenance 4. List in order the Seven Step Planning Process p. Analyze the Mission q. Develop Fitness Objectives r. Assess the Unit s. Determine Training Requirements t. Design Fitness Tasks u. Develop a Training Schedule v. Conduct and evaluate Training 5. Three groups of Soldier that may require Special PT Program w. Those who fail the APFT and do not have medical profiles x. Those who are overweight/overfat according to AR 600-9 y. Those who have either permanent or temporary medical profiles 6. What does the acronym FITT z. Frequency {. Intensity |. Time }. Type 7. Four well-known stretching techniques ~. Static Stretching . Passive Stretching . PNF Stretching . Ballistic Stretching 8. Proper term for the ability to move joints or any group of joints through an entire normal...
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...To: Zachary Evans, Vice President of Operations From: Joseph Mirola, Claims Manager Subject: Company Fitness Center Makes Us Money _______ Through research and analysis, it has been discovered that the Rocky Mountain Mutual Company Fitness Center is a financial asset to the company. By reviewing company records you will see that the Fitness Center decreases employee absenteeism, increases employee productivity and reduces medical cost to the company. I believe that with some key leader support and proper attention our Fitness Center could become Rocky Mountain Mutual’s biggest asset. When it comes to absenteeism, our employees of Rocky Mountain Mutual who use the center miss almost half as many days of work as those who don't. They missed an average of six days of work per year as compared to those who do not use it with a staggering twelve days of work per year. As you can see, the statistics show that the Fitness Center is a major contributing factor of the health of our employees. With having said that these numbers in turn have shown to reduce the medical cost to our company. The research that was done shows that the employees fall into three different medical categories. These categories are those ranging from frequent users of the center, going three or more times per week, accounts for 10% of all Rocky Mountain Mutual employees, those considered average users go once or twice per week,accounting for 25% of all employees and the last category of non-users , the...
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...U.S. ARMY SERGEANTS MAJOR ACADEMY (FSC) P661 1 June 06 MONITOR UNIT AND INDIVIDUAL FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAMS PRERESIDENT TRAINING SUPPORT PACKAGE THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY PRERESIDENT TRAINING SUPPORT PACKAGE (TSP) TSP Number / Title Effective Date Supersedes TSP(s) / Lesson(s) TSP Users Proponent Improvement Comments P661 / MONITOR UNIT AND INDIVIDUAL FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAMS 01 Jun 2006 P661, Monitor unit and individual fitness training programs, Jun 05 521-SQIM (DL), First Sergeant Course The proponent for this document is the Sergeants Major Academy. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. Completed forms, or equivalent response, will be mailed or attached to electronic e-mail and transmitted to: COMDT USASMA ATTN ATSS DCF BLDG 11291 BIGGS FIELD FORT BLISS TX 79918-8002 Telephone (Comm) (915) 568-8875 Telephone (DSN) 978-8875 E-mail: atss-dcd@bliss.army.mil Security Clearance / Access Foreign Disclosure Restrictions Unclassified FD5. This product/publication has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the USASMA foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions. 1 PREFACE Purpose This Training Support Package provides the student with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction for: Task Number Task Title 071-990-0007...
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...Department of Psychology Course: Between Psychology and Medicine Paper on: Medical and Psychological processes in Pilates Presented by: Hani Ovadia Introduction Psychological and physical health is greatly affected by behavior, similarly, different patterns of behavior derive from psychological and physical health (Folkins 1981). Consequently, both psychotherapists and doctors recommend to their patients to participate in activities that advance a healthier lifestyle (Bull 1995). The patients are advised to integrate gymnastics of different types in their lifestyle, includ ing among others: aerobics, yoga, kickboxing and Pilates (Howell 2011). Pilates is an exercise method based on gentle phy sical movements integrated with focused mind. The physical aspect is designed to tone and increase the flexib ility of the muscles and joints and also includes developing good posture, balance and coordination. The psychological aspect is based on correct breathing and mental concentration (Field 2009) In this paper I will examine the beneficiary effects of Pilates as a mind and body training method. First, I will describe the development of the method and the uniqueness of Pilates in comparison to other physical exercising methods. Then, I will further examine the physical and psychological influence Pilates has on its practitioners, while referring to research difficulties that arise and I will conclude with my personal opinion. Developing the method The method...
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...habits are going to the gym at least three days per week for one hour. I focus primarily on cardio because it helps to burn fat. I complete thirty minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training everyday because I want to lose and tone! I find it easier to go to a gym as opposed to walking around my neighborhood. I tried that and felt discouraged, not quite sure why. But the gym is working so much better for me. According to SuperTracker results summary page, what were your credited minutes, total expended calories, physical activity score, and physical activity assessment results? Provide a screenshot of your results summary. The amount of minutes I exercised for four days were 360 minutes. I spend 30 minutes on the stationary bike and 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. I burned 1148 calories daily or 4592 calories over the four days (not sure why the tracker did not include this). I guess I did it incorrectly because I was not provided a physical activity score or assessment results. I could not locate the SuperTracker results summary page. [pic] What everyday changes, if any, might you make to increase the amount of energy expended in your day-to-day activities? There are multiple things I could add to my day to expend more energy. For example, I could take the stairs, instead of riding up the escalator – walk up the escalator. I could park my car farther away and walk. While watching television, during commercials I could do leg lifts or crunches! What types...
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...Three Day Activity Analysis Tonya Spaulding SCI/241 September 2, 2011 Summer Dale Three Day Analysis Some of the everyday changes I would make to increase my energy levels into my everyday activities would be to exercise in the morning. I believe taking a walk or doing floor exercises would help increase my energy levels on a everyday basis. I believe that exercising and giving yourself a good workout in the morning or even before one goes to bed. Before one goes to bed it will help one sleep in the morning exercising will help give extra energy that is needed throughout the day. I think if one incorporates physical activity at least half of an hour to an hour in the morning helps one in many ways with increasing energy and overall maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. There are days that I do not want to take walks and if that is the case I will do an alternative exercise. Some other activities like riding a bike, jogging in place, aerobics, sit ups, yard work, or spending a bit more time getting ready in the morning all of these activities will burn calories to help keep ones body healthy. There are some activities that can not be performed year round especially if one lives in parts of the United States were the winters are bad and...
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...Home > Sports & Fitness > Aerobic exercise: the health benefits Aerobic exercise: the health benefits ‘Aerobic’ exercise refers to exercise that requires the consumption of substantially more oxygen than at rest. It is of a light to moderate intensity, and can be undertaken for a prolonged duration (many minutes to several hours) without excessive fatigue. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, jogging, swimming or cycling at a steady pace. Another example would be dancing or ‘aerobics’ classes. Regular exercise causes your body to make adjustments that result in improved health and physical functioning. Continuing with regular exercise enables your body to maintain these benefits. Regularly doing the right types of exercise at the correct intensity, and for an appropriate duration, results in the most benefit. The benefits of aerobic exercise can be broadly categorised as either ‘fitness’ (physical capacity) or ‘health’. Fitness and health are linked, and most forms of aerobic exercise will help you achieve both. Fitness — including increased cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance (stamina) Regular aerobic exercise improves your cardiovascular fitness by increasing your capacity to use oxygen. It does this by increasing your heart’s capacity to send blood (and hence oxygen) to the muscles. This is mainly achieved through an increase in the size of the heart’s pumping chambers (ventricles), which means that your heart doesn’t have to beat as fast to deliver...
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...Northeastern Illinois University Journal Article Review “Exergaming” in Physical Education PEMT 203Y Edgar Lay Due. 07/22/10 Instructor: Susan Remiyas, MS Edgar Lay PEMT 203Y Prof. Remiyas Due. 7-22-2010 This article was written from the view point that exercise games (Wii Dance, Dance Revolution) should be incorporated into the physical education classroom to help reach all kids who need to be physically active. This reader disagrees with this articles’ viewpoint because of the lack of social interaction, inaccurate or no feedback provided by these systems, and the overall cost of exercise gaming systems. After taking into consideration that millions of children already indulge in video gaming systems in their spare time, it seems a little excessive to add it to their school physical education curriculum. Physical education in schools not only inspires good physical fitness but also social interaction and self-expression. Although there are currently many gaming devices that require physical activity, it would be nearly impossible to include the social factors. The national standards suggest that physical education teachers should be developing appropriate social behaviors and interactions through their teaching. When learning fundamental motor skills and skill themes, students should be encouraged to participate with actual equipment under realistic circumstances. If those activities include gaming and staring at a screen...
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...Personal Fitness Program Plan and Contract A. I, am contracting with myself to follow a physical fitness program to work toward the following goals: Specific or short term goals 1. Reduce my time from a 10 minute mile to a 5 minute mile 2. Increase burpees able to complete from 10 to 15 3. Increase plank time from 30 seconds to 1 minute 4. Lose 20lbs in by May 13, 2013 General or long term goals 1. Reach and maintain a healthy body weight and BMI 2. Complete a 5K 3. Reduce risk for preventable obesity related conditions 4. Improve self-esteem and confidence B. My program plan is as follows: Components Frequency Activities CRE MS ME F BC Intensity Duration M T W Th F Sa Su Crossfit X X X X X 70-90% 60 min X X X Jogging/walking or swimming X X 55-70% 60 min X X X Yoga X X X X 50-60% 30 min X X C. My program will begin on March 11, 2013. My program includes the following schedule of mini goals. These mini goals are “stepping stones” for me to achieve one of my main goals from Section A. For each step in my program, I will give myself the reward listed. MINI GOAL DATE REWARD Complete 2 full weeks of program March 25, 2013 5 new songs on ipod 10lb loss March 31, 2013 New workout outfit Complete 3 miles April 5, 2013 New running shoes 25 burpees May 13, 2013 New yoga mat D. My program will include the addition of physical activity to my daily routine (such as walking to class): 1. Take stairs instead of the elevator 2. Park...
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...it’s basically technology that is dynamic, economical (most of the time), and engages in multiple long term solutions towards the health of humans and the productivity, through interactive multisensory technology, action based learning, and brain-body integrated exercise. This type of technology can be used through the use of SMART bands, or wearable equipment, such as the Garmin Vivofit or the Adidas Fit Smart: Fitness tracker, video game based systems such as the Wii Fit or XBOX Kinect, Personalized Apps that can be downloaded onto your smart phone, and even built-in to large workout equipment, like treadmills and ellipticals. One major type of this product is a multisensory fitness suite of products by Multisensory Products. One of the proprietary technologies within MultiSensory Fitness Inc., SMART is Multisensory Brain-Body Fitness Training, a leading technology. This type of technology is designed to create a unique workout that can be used by people of all ages and abilities. Their products combine brain and body fitness, that are designed to improve physical, sensory, and cognitive performance, all while doing it...
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...Rob Thompson Komodo Cross-Fit Gym Business Plan Executive Summary As cross-fit gym owners, we are constantly striving to offer the best training to our clients. There are always lessons to be taught, by both the trainers and trainees, especially the concepts or methods we have not discovered or tried. Komodo Cross-Fit gym will offer in our training philosophy, care and respect for each individual client. Finishing each session, each client will learn something different about themselves, feeling energized and motivated. Cross-Fit owners believe that by strengthening client’s body and mind, allow clients to reach their physical fitness goals, and look and feel their best. Cross-Fit consists of exercises such power cleans, explosive resistance training and cardio training. Komodo Cross-Fit Gym will be offering a distinctive style of fitness training pulling from different school training styles and techniques. The purpose of cross-fit training is to provide the most efficient results possible, using every muscle group differently. Komodo Gym will focus on more than agility, stamina, and muscle development and weight loss. We will offer challenging, extreme and creative exercises that fire up motivation and inspiration. In the future, the objective is to provide a safe environment that allows clients of all skill levels to work out in a fun, and open atmosphere. In able to provide this type of atmosphere, we are striving to make Komodo Cross-Fit gym a place where people...
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... Exercise 1000 Intervention The most important characteristic of EXSS 1000 students that should be considered when designing a physical activity intervention would be recognizing that the students are just beginning college. Most students enrolled in EXSS 1000 are incoming freshmen that are just moving to college and are probably not yet settled into their new lifestyle. EXSS 1000 students also probably do not have a full understanding that exercise has long-term benefits for health and is not just a method to help avoid the “freshmen-fifteen.” When designing a physical activity intervention for a client, it is always important to consider their current level of physical fitness. The students of these exercise classes will have various levels of physical fitness, but overall, everyone should be healthy enough to participate in some type of exercise program. Because we are in North Carolina, a state that has one of the highest obesity rates in the US, the students of these classes may be less fit than normal fit averages. In turn, not only do we need to look at the specific fitness levels of the students but also at the general perception of exercise that a college student would hold. The clients need to be able to see how easily they can increase their physical activity. The more apparent it is made to them that they can add physical activity into their daily routines, the more likely they are to adopt a more active lifestyle. We are all faced with unforeseen barriers...
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...Physical fitness is a necessity for everyone regardless of race, culture, or sex in order to live a long healthy life. In order to achieve physical fitness, you must be able to perform daily tasks vigorously, while avoiding diseases related to a lack of activity. There are many benefits of physical fitness like endurance, good figure, muscular strength, and flexibility. Some mental benefits include a positive attitude, high self-esteem, and the production of endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller. There have been many benefits of physical activity, which were always praised throughout history. It was not until the 1970s, that enough information was available on physical fitness. The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association has since begun issuing physical activity recommendations to the public. Some of these recommendations include cardio-respiratory exercises and sustained periods of vigorous activity. The past several years the ACSM, CDC, AHA, PCPFS, and NIH have also recommended regular, moderate physical activity. There are also risks involved with physical activity. The most common health problem related to physical activity is muscle and skeletal injury. These injuries can occur with almost any amount of exercise when the body is not conditioned. Flexibility and the proper education associated with these exercises are usually over looked. Some of the more serious risks associated with physical activity include heart attacks or...
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...Unit 1 Fitness for Sport and Exercise Unit 1, Fitness for Sport and Exercise, is an externally assessed, compulsory unit with three learning aims: ●● ●● ●● Learning aim A: Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training Learning aim B: Explore different fitness training methods Learning aim C: Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels. Unit 1 is a core unit and its content underpins the other BTEC sport units. Learning aim A looks at the components of physical and skill-related fitness and principles of training. Learning aim B covers the various training methods that can be used to develop the different components of fitness and learning aim C focuses on fitness tests. The second section contains two sample external assessments. You will be given 1 hour to complete the external assessment for this unit and the marks are out of 50. Your assessment will take place by an online, computer-based test and our two sample external assessments are designed to show you the types of questions, and question formats, you might face. Answers for the two sample external assessments can be found at the end of the book. Unit 1 Fitness for Sport and Exercise The unit is divided in to two sections. The first section contains the content of the learning aim, broken down in to bite-sized chunks. Each topic is covered and you can tick them off as you study them. 1 BTEC Sport Level 2 Assessment Guide Units 1 and 2 uncorrected first proofs issued by marketing...
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