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Artemisia Gentileschi Trauma

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All people handle traumatic experiences in different ways, but some people chose not to address them at all. This is harmful, experts say “Overcoming traumatic stress is all about taking action. Positive action can help you overcome feelings of fear, helplessness, and hopelessness—and even small acts can make a big difference (Robinson, Smith, Segal Traumatic Stress). By leaving traumatic events unacknowledged, it can cause anger management issues and severe depression among other things (What Happens If Trauma is Left Untreated?, PTST Treatment Help). Therefore, people who have been through trauma should direct their energy into something that kindles their creativity. Artemisia Gentileschi was the major exception among Baroque artists, she not only painted to the …show more content…
Now, Zoey is 23 and has lots of hatred towards her mother. She blames her for her money problems, instability in current relationships and issues that have developed over time like her inability to trust people. If she would have been able to direct her negative energy into something positive, she may not have had all the problems she is dealing with now. Creative expression when experiencing trauma is proven to “… foster self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivate emotional resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change” (American Art Therapy Association contributors, About Art Therapy). Now, Zoey doesn’t talk about her mother because she says she doesn’t want to relive the pain. Although this is understandable, when she was younger her resentment and anger could have been resolved. Creative Expression would have given her the chance to let her negative feelings out in a healthy

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