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Arthur Of The Moral Choices: An Ethical Dilemma

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Work place ethics come into play as a Sales Manager, one must include reasoning to decide which direction is safe to venture the company and the shareholders and the employees into. Incorporating your moral ethics and values, trying to make a decision that could on one hand be profitable and on the other be possibly be devastating for the company. In order to achieve this goal I would consider the pros and cons, and the effects it could have on employees, the company leadership and the shareholders. Questions to ask oneself are, what are the legal ramifications of paying a foreign based company money to secure the contract. For the author of Moral Choices, explains it in a couple of ways, leaving one enough wiggle room to justify which ever actions is choosen.
For myself, the most important aspect of dealing with the situation, are the lives involved the immensity behind this decision could bring trials and …show more content…
In this conference, I would lay everything out in the open, then request a vote, with the majority deciding the direction the company should go into.
Faith. A man or women of faith would stay firmly planted in the Word of God, Dale Turner, author of Another Way, wrote, “Courage is the conquest of fear, rather than the absence of it.” (2010) As a marketing manager, who carries the weight of many livelihoods in his hands, I feel calling for a majority vote shows, logical thinking, fairness, and removes the burden of the quilt from him alone. As well, if the manager allowed fear to prevail, the pressure could have caused him to make the wrong choices resulting in illegal actions against the company, affecting everyone involved. Because he chooses to put the decision, back into the hands of executives, I fell displayed work ethics, strength of character, and

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