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Martin O Malley Research Paper

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Is Martin O’malley a good candidate for president? He believes that he can improve the economy, taxes, immigration, and keeping America safe.
Martin O’Malley was born in in Washington D.C., but he now lives in Rockville, Maryland. Martin O’malley’s mom ,Barbara O’malley, also worked in congress for 30 years just like him (Martin O’malley). O’malley also has a wife, Katie O'malley, and four kids Will, Grace,Tara ,and Jack (O'malley). Martin O'malley is qualified for this job because he worked for 30 years in the government. He also was the governor of Maryland (Martin O’malley). Martin O’Malley is also a democrat (Martin O’malley). In 2013 Martin O’malley repealed the state death penalty, he replaced the death penalty with life in prison without parole (Martin O’malley). …show more content…
Martin O’malley believes that the economy is weak and he needs to make new jobs (you asked, Martin O’malley answered ). Martin is proposing more jobs and a better balance for the economy (you asked Martin O’malley answered). Martin O’malley said “our economy wrecked by the big banks of wall street”(Martin O’malley on the issues). Another issue that Martin O’malley faces is taxes. Martin O’malley believes that raising taxes is helpful for our country. He want to raise taxes 15 percent (martin O’malley on the issues) . Martin O’malley also wants to change the major tax percent but it did not say how much (Martin O’malley on the

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