...Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a scientific concept that gives machines the ability to copy and complete human tasks. It was a term that first came into use in 1955 and has come quite a long way since then. According to Stanford University in California, this type of intelligence is created by studying and simulating human actions, not human intelligence, to complete tasks. The actions are then programmed into a computer to allow the computer to complete the same task.It does not actually resemble human intelligence at all. Only in the movements and processing and fina l product or accomplishment. The computer should solve all the tasks with its own methods, similar to the methods in which a person with computer knowledge and know how would use. Artificial intelligence will never possess a creative side such a write an original thought, create an intelligent though or compose anything that has not already been thought or entered into its programming. The science of artificial intelligence is the part of the complex computer sciences, and the technology created by humans. The aim of the science is to create answers and solutions as well on the basis of calculations and artificially made intelligent machines. Artificial intelligence is aimed to make the human life easier and do all the difficult tasks and provide people with acceptable solutions to any problems. The main problems with Artificial Intelligence include...
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...Artificial Intelligence Essay In this essay I will attempt to describe briefly what artificial intelligence is, its drawbacks, and to what level computers have advanced in order to be able to achieve the goals of AI. In doing so, I will go on and discuss the following points: • Computers can only do what they are told by a programmer • Computers cannot think • Intelligence cannot be understood. There are many definitions of artificial intelligence (AI), but they all conclude in some form to say that it is the study of mental capabilities through the use of computer models. It can also be said that AI allows computers to carry out tasks that have been considered to require intelligence and are usually carried out by experts. The main advantages of AI are therefore that it can aid experts in decision making and comment on any statements made, helps answer the questions of trainees requiring the knowledge of experts in their field, and obviously, learn from its mistakes to acquire new facts. When defining artificial intelligence, it is useful to understand fully what both words mean. Something artificial is said to be unreal, unnatural and inorganic meaning it being synthetic. Intelligence is the skill of understanding and the ability to perceive and conceive meaning Therefore artificial intelligence is a way of providing man made computers with the ability to learn, perceive and think for themselves. This is just the theory, because in practice...
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...application in life. I believed I learned from the best. Thank you to my friends and especially to the sisters in my dormitory who are always there for me in my ups and downs in life. You guys made my life extra special. Lastly, I give thanks to the Almighty God for being there for me. This project will never exist if you weren’t here for me. Gracias! Table of Contents I. Introduction 4 II. Computers, Robots, and Artificial Intelligence 5 a. Computer 6 b. Artificial Intelligence and Robots 7 III. Information Age and Information Society 8 a. Knowledge 9 b. Global mind 10 c. Global brain 11 IV. The Machine and the Machine of Mind 12 a. The Machines of Mind 13 b. The Most Human Mind of Machines 14 V. Conclusion 16 I. Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include: speech recognition, learning, planning and problem solving. Artificial intelligence is a...
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...ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Paper Presentation On “Artificial Intelligence(AI)” INDEX :1. ABSTRACT. 1 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2. INTRODUCTION. 3. HISTORY OF AI. 4. CATEGORIES OF AI. A. CONVENTIONAL AI. B. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CI). 5. FIELDS OF AI. 6. AAAI. 7. APPLICATIONS. ABSTRACT This paper is the introduction to Artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence is exhibited by artificial entity, a system is generally assumed to be a computer. AI systems are now in routine use in economics, medicine, engineering and the military, as well as being built into many common home computer software applications, traditional strategy games like computer chess and other video games. We tried to explain the brief ideas of AI and its application to various fields. It cleared the concept of computational and conventional categories. It includes various advanced systems such as Neural Network, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary computation. AI is used in typical problems such as Pattern 2 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE recognition, Natural language processing and more. This system is working throughout the world as an artificial brain. Intelligence involves mechanisms, and AI research has discovered how to make computers carry out some of them and not others. If doing a task requires only mechanisms that are well understood today, computer programs can give very impressive performances on these tasks. Such programs should...
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...AND TECH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Biologically Inspired Intelligent Robots Using Artificial Muscles) PRESENTED BY: Praveen Kumar J Sai Krishna A B.Tech III/IV B.Tech III/IV j_pravee@yahoo.com adimula_saikrishna@yahoo.com Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Science which deals with helping machines finds solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion. This generally involves borrowing characteristics from human intelligence, and applying them as algorithms in a computer friendly way. A more or less flexible or efficient approach can be taken depending on the requirements established, which influences how artificial the intelligent behavior appears. Humans throughout history have always sought to mimic the appearance, mobility, functionality, intelligent operation, and thinking process of biological creatures. This field of biologically inspired technology, having the moniker biometrics, has evolved from making static copies of human and animals in the form of statues to the emergence of robots that operate with realistic appearance and behavior. This paper covers the current state-of-the-art and challenges to making biomimetic robots using artificial muscles. Keywords: EAP, artificial muscles, artificial intelligence, biometrics Introduction: ...
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...ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The computer revolution has everyday things out of the way letters are in our banks, governments, agencies and credit affects of our finances to the process of writing. The development of artificial intelligence is only a small percentage of the information revolution and how the company deals with, learn and contains artificial intelligence. It will be just the beginning of great influence and success of the computer revolution. A uniform artificial intelligence, or AI, definition is that the computer simply imitate the behavior of people who would be intelligent, if a person has done. But even within this definition, various problems and views on how to prevent the interpretation of the results of the AI programs, the scholars and critics. The most common and natural for AI research approach is for each program, what it can do, you ask? What are the actual results of human intelligence? For example, what counts is a chess program that is good. Is it possible that chess grandmaster has expired? There is also a more structured approach for the evaluation of artificial intelligence, began at the door of artificial intelligence to open contribution to the world of science approach. According to this theoretical approach, what matters are not the input-output relationships of the computer, but also what the program you may contact us using the genuine human knowledge (Ptack, 1994) call will tell. From this point of artificial intelligence, not only...
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...Artificial Intelligence The computer revolution has influenced everyday matters from the way letters are written to the methods in which our banks, governments, and credit card agencies keep track of our finances. The development of artificial intelligence is just a small percentage of the computer revolution and how society deals with, learns, and incorporates artificial intelligence. It will only be the beginning of the huge impact and achievements of the computer revolution. A standard definition of artificial intelligence, or AI, is that computers simply mimic behaviors of humans that would be regarded as intelligent if a human being did them. However, within this definition, several issues and views still conflict because of ways of interpreting the results of AI programs by scientists and critics. The most common and natural approach to AI research is to ask of any program, what can it do? What are the actual results in comparison to human intelligence? For example, what matters about a chess-playing program is how good it is. Can it possibly beat chess grand masters? There is also a more structured approach in assessing artificial intelligence, which began opening the door of the artificial intelligence contribution into the science world. According to this theoretical approach, what matters is not the input-output relations of the computer, but also what the program can tell us about actual human cognition (Ptack, 1994). From this point of view, artificial...
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...In conclusion, artificial intelligence systems have been useful tools in solving complex problems that are seen to be beyond the level of human thinking. Although the characteristics of these systems are drawn from human intelligence, they exhibit more intelligence than the human beings themselves. This is just the beginning in computer revolution and more improvements are likely to be seen in the near future.The computer revolution has influenced everyday matters from the way letters are written to the methods in which our banks, governments, and credit card agencies keep track of our finances. The development of artificial intelligence is just a small percentage of the computer revolution and how society deals with, learns, and incorporatesartificial intelligence. It will only be the beginning of the huge impact and achievements of the computer revolution. A standard definition of artificial intelligence, or AI, is that computers simply mimic behaviors of humans that would be regarded as intelligent if a human being did them. However, within this definition, several issues and views still conflict because of ways of interpreting the results of AI programs by scientists and critics. The most commn and natural approach to AI research is to ask of any program, what can it do? What are the actual results in comparison to human intelligence? For example, what matters about a chess-playing program is how good it is. Can it possibly beat chess grand masters? There is also a more...
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...Artificial Intelligence Balinda Roberts INF 103 Computer Literacy Debra Austin July 4, 2013 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It includes people, procedure, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that demonstrated characteristics of intelligence. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but Artificial Intelligence does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. Intelligence is basically the computation part of the ability to achieve goals in the world varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some machines. There is no solid definition of intelligence relating it to human intelligence. The problem is that it cannot yet be characterize in general what kinds of computational procedures can be called intelligent. We understand some of the mechanisms of intelligence and not others. Sometimes Artificial Intelligence is about simulating human intelligence but not always. On the one hand, we can learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing other people or just by observing our own methods. On the other hand most work in Artificial Intelligence involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence rather than studying people or animals. Artificial Intelligence textbooks...
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...1.INTRODUCTION: Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It includes people,procedure,hardware,software,data and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that demonstrated characteristics of intelligence.It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. Intelligence is basically the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some machines.There is no solid definition of intelligence relating it to human intelligence. The problem is that it cannot yet be characterize in general what kinds of computational procedures can be called intelligent. We understand some of the mechanisms of intelligence and not others. Sometimes Artificial Intelligence is about simulating human intelligence but not always.On the one hand, we can learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing other people or just by observing our own methods. On the other hand, most work in AI involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence rather than studying people or animals. AI textbooks define the field as "the study and design of intelligent agents where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its...
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...Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is evolving every day, however this technology is erasing the future of mankind all together. An example of artificial technology diminishing our future in stories would be in “The Pedestrian” and “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury. “The Pedestrian” shows the government diminished the entire police force to only one artificial intelligent police car which could not react rationally to Leonard Mead which was simply walking. “The Veldt” also glorifies the downsides of artificial intelligence. It does this by showing how a “nursery” can replace neglectful parents of the children. “The Pedestrian” and ”The Veldt” fictional stories by Ray Bradbury, show how artificial intelligence is unhealthy for the future...
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...Title: What’s In Your Glass? Topic: The Opposition of Artificial Intelligence Method of organization: Refutative Specific Purpose: My specific purpose of this speech is to encourage those who oppose artificial intelligence to see the good that can be done with this technology. Thesis: In this presentation I hope to explain the opposition that artificial intelligence faces, show examples of successful uses of AI, and challenge those opposed to this technology to consider a change of position. Introduction: I’m sure that most of you have seen the movie I, Robot, or perhaps The Matrix. Both are very popular movies and both contain an antagonist in the form of an artificial intelligence system that sees destruction and chaos as a necessary evil for the evolution of the world. However, these stories are works of fiction. So why does the mention of artificial intelligence conjure scenes of destruction like we just watched? Many of us take a pessimistic view when asked about AI. Today I want to explain to you the biggest fear associated with artificial intelligence, share examples of this technology that is already in successful use, and describe why you should support the development of artificial intelligence. I.) Having already mentioned a few movies that seem to give very negative connotations to the use of artificial intelligence, let’s begin by looking at one of the biggest oppositions facing artificial intelligence, the argument against singularity. a.) What is...
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...Artificial Intelligence: Fact or Fiction Virginia Vidaurri INF 103 Computer Literacy Instructor: Jeanette Cobabe December 3, 2012 Artificial Intelligence: Fact or Fiction What is Artificial Intelligence? The term Artificial Intelligence came into being in 1956, when it was proposed by John McCarthy (Bowles, 2010). This refers to the ability to “create a computer that could perform logical operations so well that it could actually learn and become sentient or conscious.” (Bowles, 2010). Our text defines intelligence as “the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity.” (Bowles, 2010). The problem with this definition is it’s not so clear cut when it is referring to machines (Bowles, 2010). The ultimate goal with Artificial Intelligence is to create a machine that can actually think, as a person thinks, but I’m not sure this goal is capable of being fully realized. In 1937, Alan Turing, a mathematician, developed what he called a Turing Machine, which was supposed to be an intelligent machine (Bowes, 2010). Then in 1950, using this machine, Turing proposed the Turing Test, which he thought “could prove whether or not a computer was intelligent” (Bowles, 2010). In this experiment, there was a judge who would communicate with a person and a computer, each hidden behind a different curtain. If the judge couldn’t tell the difference between the computer and the “real person”, then the computer would be considered...
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...Will Humans Fall In Love With Robots? In the book Alone Together, written by Sherry Turkle, there are many points brought up about how Artificial Intelligence has improved and how it has been used in the form of Robotics. What Turkle is really talking about in this book is the possibility of relationships with these advanced robots. Many people think that it is impossible to ever love robots. This statement in my opinion is totally false. I feel like it is totally possible for a human to love a robot. I believe it is highly possible in the near future when artificial intelligence is able to almost replicate the human brain. I don’t think the people that say that is impossible take in the fact that there is a possibility that in the future robots will help or even replace humans when it comes to childcare. That is when human will start to become used to robots and even start building relationships. In Alone Together, Turkle expresses her concerns when she says, “In the case of children, I am concerned about their getting comfortable with the idea that a robot’s companionship is even close to a replacement for a person.”(pg. 65) Once robots are introduced to a younger generation and that generation has become used to the idea of robots there will definitely be relationships between humans and robots. Many people have had relationship problems to where they feel uncomfortable being with another human being. Some have had spouses that have passed away early. Some people...
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...SCM Research paper | Shreerang Datar Supply Chain Management (SCHM 6210) Spring 2016 RESEARCH PAPER “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT” By Shreerang Datar (NUID 001649801) 04/14/2016 1 SCM Research paper | Shreerang Datar Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………3 2. Introduction…………………………………………………………….4 3. Background…………………………………………………………….5 4. Findings………………………………………………………………...6 a. Artificial Intelligence Tools……………………………………..7 b. Business Examples…………………………………………….10 5. Future Trends and Challenges………………………………………...18 6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………19 7. Bibliography…………………………………………………………..20 2 SCM Research paper | Shreerang Datar Executive Summary: Surpassing the limits of business intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI) focuses on developing an algorithmic approach in decision making. This technology has come so far that inculcating human competencies like logic, reasoning, simulation and analytical thinking in a machine seems to be in reach. In the field of Supply Chain Management this technology is placing a strong foot in achieving creative optimization and automation in different supply chain processes. AI has found its applications in various SCM aspects which include Inventory management, Network design optimization, Logistics strategy formulation, demand forecasting, etc. It is designed to generate a step-wise mechanism for problem solving in which it defines the problem...
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