...This essay it will explain the Aseptic Technique and how it is used to prevent the spread of infection in wounds. It will also give a personal experience of performing the technique. Hart (2004) states the principle of Aseptic Technique is to prevent the spread of micro organisms to wounds and to protects the nurse and patient from healthcare-associated infections (HCIA). The technique used for less invasive procedures such as intravenous drugs and wound care is the Aseptic No-touch Technique (ANTT) (Pratt et al 2007). The key aspects of this skill are consent, preparation and prevention. The nurse must obtain consent from the patient and explain the procedure. The patient must be made comfortable and placed in a suitable position as the technique may take some time to conduct, the nurse must be able to have access to the wound to prevent any additional contamination. ANTT should be carried out in a quite calm environment, cleaning should be done at least half an hour before and adjacent windows should be shut as this allows for airborne contamination to settle (Dietze et al 2001). Preparation is vital for the ANTT, equipment used should be sterile, in date, undamaged and that correct storage has been used (Department of Health DoH 2003). Guidelines on hand washing have been devised by DoH (2005) as it recognises that most HCIAs are spread through inappropriate hand washing. Hands should be washed immediately before and after the ANTT to prevent the spread of infection...
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...Nursing Education Department Aseptic Technique Study Module for Nurses 1|8 Aseptic Technique Study Module Prepared By: AEA 1 January 2015 Nursing Education Department Index Page 1 page 2 Page 3 page 3 Page 4 Cover Page Index Definition Principles of Aseptic Technique Procedure Page 4 Clean Technique (Medical Asepsis) Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Sterile Technique (Surgical Asepsis) Maintaining Asepsis Other Recommendations to Maintain Asepsis Recommendations for Health Care Workers regarding Hand and skin Preparation Reference 2|8 Aseptic Technique Study Module Prepared By: AEA 1 January 2015 Nursing Education Department Definition 1. Aseptic technique refers to practices designed to render and maintain objects and areas maximally free of microorganisms. This may consist of aid in the prevention of surgical site, urinary tract, bloodstream, and pneumonia infections that may be device or procedure related. Clean technique (medical asepsis) refers to practices that reduce the number of microorganisms or prevent/reduce transmission from one person (or place) to another. Sterile technique (surgical asepsis) refers to practices that provide the maximum reduction of skin microorganisms without damaging tissues. It involves the use of barrier techniques to decrease the transmission of microorganisms from personnel to patients. Both sterile and clean techniques are elements of this infection method, although both have distinct similarities and differences...
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...ON-THE-JOB TRAINING at Town and Country Hotel and Restaurant In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Hotel and Restaurant Services Submitted by: Frias, Donnie Rey P. Submitted to: Mrs. Vilma C. Caparros April 19, 2013 I. Table of Contents A. Brief History/Background of the Company/Company Profile (1 to 3 pages) B. Summary of the OJT Experience (3 to 5 pages) C. Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program * New knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired * Theories actually seen in practice * Feedback that can be given to the company or institution * Benefits gained * Problems encountered D. Appendices * Company brochure and/or pamphlet * Copy of the Endorsement Letter * Copy of the Training Plan * Copy of the signed Waiver Form * Daily Time Record * Quarterly Performance Appraisal Forms * Certificate of Completion 1 II. 2 Walls and Doors Check walls and doors daily for spots or smudges. Use cleansers that will not strip the wall of paint or finishes. Apply cleanser and scrub spots lightly in a circular motion with a sponge or damp cloth until spots are gone. In general wash walls at least once a month and doors at least once a week. 6 Kitchen Cleaning Wash kitchen dishes daily. Clean sinks with disinfectant cleaner, and wash countertops with clean hot water and disinfectant cleaner. Sweep kitchen floors each day. Mop kitchen floors at least once a week. Clean cabinets...
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...was inaugurated in 2013 with a production capacity of 8.5 million packages a year. The plant also has potential to scale upto 16 billion packages with the ever growing consumption in India, South East Asia and Middle East. The Chakan plant’s core focus is on the Tetra Classic Aseptic (TCA) and Tetra Fino Aseptic (TFA) eyeing the rural markets of India. Small packets of TFA which starts from five small sizes of 100 ml, 200 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml and TCA that comes for 65 ml. The Chakan facility, the Tetra Pak’s second largest plant after its Lund plant in Sweden. Parle were the first ever to use a TCA Tetra Pak, the small little triangular pack that can be sold in chains of multiple packs and known as the samosa pack. Tetra Pak's automated solution for juices and dairy milk applications. Its aseptic processing technique, a key process in their production shopfloor allows liquid food to retain colour, texture, natural taste and nutritional value for up to 12 months, without the need for preservatives or refrigeration. Tetra Pak has six aseptic packaging systems: Tetra Brik Aseptic, Tetra Evero Aseptic, Tetra Prisma Aseptic, Tetra Gemina Aseptic, Tetra Classic Aseptic (TCA) and Tetra Fino Aseptic (TFA). Important Points * Tetra Pak's new packaging plant in Chakan, Pune, India. 1. LocationChakan, Pune, India 2. Estimated...
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...Evidence Based Practice: Aseptic Technique for Peripheral IV Insertion Name: Course: Instructor’s Name Date: Introduction The significance of asepsis in the intravenous IV therapy is integral in the modern patient care because of the increased patients number requiring IV therapy due to changes in patterns of prescription and the today’s illnesses which has acute nature (Bofah et al, 2012). Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation according to Bofah et al (2012), is a procedure in which patent’s skin is punctured with a needle allowing a device to be temporarily inserted into the hand or forearm veins in administering intravenous medications or fluids, although other body sites can be used. It is vital to use intravenous drugs in the management of the patients who are hospitalized. The infections linked to the intravenous therapy may affect the blood stream or the skin around the insertion site of the catheter (Bofah et al, 2012). For this reason, Bofah et al (2012) suggested that general infection control and universal precautions measures need to be taken into considerations when undertaking a clinical procedure. However, specific measures need to be taken into consideration when administering intravenous therapy especially those in the home setting and the vulnerable patients. Kampf et al (2013) conducted an observational intervention study on “Improving Patient Safety during the Insertion of Peripheral Venous Catheters. The aim of the study was to determine...
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...Evidence Based Practice: Aseptic Technique for Peripheral IV Insertion Name: Course: Instructor’s Name Date: Introduction The significance of asepsis in the intravenous IV therapy is integral in the modern patient care because of the increased patients number requiring IV therapy due to changes in patterns of prescription and the today’s illnesses which has acute nature (Bofah et al, 2012). Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation according to Bofah et al (2012), is a procedure in which patent’s skin is punctured with a needle allowing a device to be temporarily inserted into the hand or forearm veins in administering intravenous medications or fluids, although other body sites can be used. It is vital to use intravenous drugs in the management of the patients who are hospitalized. The infections linked to the intravenous therapy may affect the blood stream or the skin around the insertion site of the catheter (Bofah et al, 2012). For this reason, Bofah et al (2012) suggested that general infection control and universal precautions measures need to be taken into considerations when undertaking a clinical procedure. However, specific measures need to be taken into consideration when administering intravenous therapy especially those in the home setting and the vulnerable patients. Kampf et al (2013) conducted an observational intervention study on “Improving Patient Safety during the Insertion of Peripheral Venous Catheters. The aim of the study was to determine the...
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Activities In order to initiate the project, we have to set up a group with the dedicated team members. The contents of the proposed project includes as follows:Project Title: __________________________________ Group Name: ___________________________________ Introduction - What the organization do? - Who are the stake holders? - What are the business processes/functions? - Briefly describe the technique used to capture the stakeholder problem
Objectives - list at least 3 objectives
Lab 1
1 of 2
BITP 2223 – Software Requirement and Design
Team Hierarchy
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...Bonjour tout le monde. Je m’appelle Aprameya et aujourd’hui, je veux vous parler au sujet de l’éducation axée sur la carrière. Particulièrement, je parlerai sur mes objectifs professionnels de devenir pilote, et mon expérience en école de pilotage. Cette présentation correspond avec notre labo 5, à propos de l’éducation et les médias. Depuis j’étais petit, j’avais un rêve, de devenir pilote, quand je grandisse. Alors, chaque fois ma famille voyageait, toujours j’étais tellement passionné ; j’avais hâte de voir des avions, de les entrer ; de me sentir quand on décolle à l’air. En occasion, je parlais avec les pilotes, et je les ai dit que j’aime volant, et que je veux devenir pilote aussi. Alors que je grandissais, j’étais plus en plus sur que je dois apprendre le pilotage. Quand j’avais 12 ans, j’ai commencé mon éducation axée sur la carrière. J’ai joint une école de pilotage, et chaque semaine, j’étudiais les cours de l’aviation. Pour moi, c’était la réalisation d’un rêve. Je me souviens toujours ce que je me suis senti après mon premier décollage, le moment où les roues ont quitté le sol, et ensuite, ma première solo, quand j’étais tout seul au ciel, c’est vraiment incroyable. Sans aucun doute, ça classe au premier rang dans ma liste des expériences. Je pense que ces cours supplémentaires, où quelqu’un peut apprendre des sujets qui correspondent avec leurs buts personnels et professionnels, sont très importants dans un compétitif marché du travail. Il y a trois raisonnes...
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...Qui saurait de nos jours se passer du fameux téléphone? Nous devons cette merveilleuse invention à Alexandre Graham Bell. Durant cette présentation, nous allons vous parler de ce personnage qui a changé l’histoire de la communication. Alexandre Graham Bell est né le 3 mars 1847 à Édimbourg en Écosse. Il devient citoyen Canadien en 1882. Il avait deux frères : Melvin James Bell et Edward Charles Bell. Tous deux morts de la tuberculose. À sa naissance, Bell n’avait pas encore de deuxième prénom. Ce n’est qu’à l’âge de 11 ans qu’il fit la demande pour avoir Graham inclus dans son nom. C’était son cadeau d’anniversaire. Ses parents s’appelaient Alexander Melvin Bell et Eliza Grace. Son père était un professeur de diction. Durant son enfance, Alexandre collectionnait des espèces botaniques et réalisait déjà ses premières expériences. Encouragé par sa mère, Bell s’intéresse aussi à l’art, la poésie et la musique. Quand Bell avait douze ans, sa mère commença à perdre graduellement l’audition. C’est pour cette raison qu’il a appris le langage des signes pour pouvoir communiquer avec elle. La surdité de sa mère amène Alexandre à étudier l’acoustique. À l’école, la science et la biologie étaient ses intérêts principaux. Ses notes, cependant étaient piètres, car il manquait souvent les cours. Il déménage à Londres pour vivre avec son grand-père après avoir quitté l’école. C’est dans cette période de sa vie qu’il prit goût à l’enseignement. À 16 ans, à Weston House...
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...« De nombreuses études sur l’impact de la musique sur le développement ont été menées, mais plutôt auprès d’enfants plus âgés», explique Laurel Trainor, directeur de l’Institut McMaster pour la musique et l’esprit. « Nos résultats suggèrent que le cerveau du nourrisson pourrait être particulièrement réceptif à « l’exposition musicale » ». L. Trainor, en collaboration avec David Gerry, professeur de musique, a d’ailleurs reçu un prix de la Fondation Grammy en 2008 pour son travail sur les effets de la musique dans la petite enfance. Dans cette nouvelle étude, des bébés et leurs parents ont suivi durant 6 mois un des deux cours de musique hebdomadaires proposés : La première classe de musique formait à la musique interactive et à l’apprentissage d’une petite série de berceuses accompagnées d’actions. Les parents et les enfants ont appris à jouer ensemble des percussions et à chanter. La seconde classe de musique proposait différents jeux et jouets, mais avec un fond musical en arrière-plan. Au départ de l’étude, tous les bébés présentaient une capacité de communication et un niveau de développement social similaires, aucun n’avait déjà participé à des classes de musique pour bébés. Une sensibilité évidente à la musicalité : «Les bébés qui ont participé aux cours de musique interactifs avec leurs parents montrent de manière plus précoce une sensibilité à la musique, au son juste, alors que les nourrissons qui ont participé à des classes d’écoute passive ne montrent pas les mêmes...
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...production units. An effective supervisor ought to be a trained observer and possess record keeping skills. Also, they should know how the job is done and the time required to accomplish. Observation is simple to use and acquires first-hand information. However, the method can cause bias to some workers and is also time-consuming. Questionnaires method can also be used in the job analysis process. The technique is further categorized in two i.e. open-ended questionnaires or well-structured questionnaires. The former can be utilized by both the supervisors and incumbents while open inquiry requires only the workers to describe the job how they understand it. The technique can reach more workers, but the responses could be incomplete making it difficult to interpret. Interviewing applied in the job analysis process. In this method, the employees and other incumbents are interviewed individually after which the results are aggregated (Algera & Greuter, 2013). Other times a group interview is performed by selecting several incumbents who undergo interview at the same time. The technique works well with for occupations with long cycles. Use of a checklist has been frequently applied to job analysis. A list is filled by either the supervisor or an incumbent. The method is preferred as it is economical and very simple to administer. Technical conference method is preferable in the organization dealing with processing. It involves the collaboration of...
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...same subdued, muted colors” (Sasika line 10 &12). From the diction used, subdued and muted gives us insight on the character of the mother, a synonym of this is quite giving the reader the impression that the mother is also quite. Later on in the prose it goes on to say, “All in browns and neutral shades, the color she preferred”(Sasika), this line shows that the mother preferred colors, which reflected the mother’s sense of emotion through the use of the color of the string. The symbolism throughout the prose is portrayed by the different colors the mother uses to loom with which connects to her state of mind/emotion. She uses a technique to disguise her true emotions by hiding them in a plain boring piece of work, “Startling the eye when it was turned over” (Sasika line 18), this could symbolize the fact that the mother would use this technique to show people two different emotions, one which is plain on one side an other which is more happy and bouncy if people paid closer attention to the minute details....
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...|Sélection 14 - Quiz: Avez-vous de la mémoire? | |Sélection 12 – le secret des rêves | | |Noms masculins | | |Noms masculins | | |saying |un adage | |Nightmare |un cauchemar | |trap |un piège | |Brain |un cerveau | |Noms feminins | | |Finder,researcher |un chercheur | |brand |la marque | |Behaviour |un comportement | |purchase |l'emplette | |diviner,seer |un devin | |adjectifs | | |Box |l'encadre | |insignificant, trivial |anodin(e) | |Subconscious ...
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...Design 2 is a rectangular bed throw which consists of many decorative techniques and components. The back of this bed throw will be made out of different African kente cloths to make a beautiful and colourful patchwork design so that the back and also the front of my throw stands out. I will over lock my bed throw so that the ends have no frays on the sides making it lose its lifelessness. The front of my bed throws background will be made from my own coloured fabric which I shall be dying it blue and using salt technique for a much creative background scene. The man and woman that I have designed on my throw will be made from, batik, appliqué, transfer print and silk painting as the more techniques my product has the more appealing it is to my customer and target market. My design will also be outlined in black hand embroidery so that my design stands out from the background. This product suits my customer focus because the dyes I will be using are non toxic and this design that I have made for a bed throw explores the culture of Africa. This product will be quite complicated to make because I will be incorporating many different decorative techniques to make this product however I will be able to make this design within 25 hours if I practice before. Write detailed descriptions of each product discussing shape/ possible fabrics/ level of difficult to make in time/ what aspects suit your design specification?/ suitability for your chosen customer (refer to customer focus) ...
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...fund for yourself or family. To put more money in to your 2nd savings account, sign up free direct deposit from your checking account to your savings account this way you are not as tempted to spend the money. Tossing away your ATM card will help you have a harder time to create that temptation of withdrawing money from your second savings account. $1,378.00 easily achievable with the 52-week technique. There are many ways to save money and the ones presented are just a few. Speech #2: Informative Speech Outlines Guide Name: WORKING OUTLINE Topic: How to Save Money Specific purpose statement: To inform my audience of different ways to save money in this overall exhausting economy. Thesis statement (central idea): Money saving techniques for all occasions ------------------------------------------------- Organizational pattern: Sequential ------------------------------------------------- Introduction I. Attention-getter: Money is an essential part of life now a-days, unfortunately most of us don’t save or plainly don’t know how. Wouldn’t it be awesome to know different techniques on how to save money? Without bumping your head? Saving for special occasions like the holidays, birthday parties, etc. II. Audience relevance: Today we will learn different ways of saving money for emergency funds and special occasions III. Central idea: By opening a second savings account you will find it simpler to start saving money and creating an emergency fund for yourself or family...
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