...Macedonians made it through the Khyber Pass and defeated Raja Puru (King Poros) near modern-day Bhera, Pakistan, the fighting was almost too much for Alexander’s troops. Worst of all, Raja Puru’s army included 30 war elephants, who spooked the Macedonian cavalry’s horses (and probably the men, as well). When the victorious Macedonians heard that their next target - the Nanda Empire - could muster 6,000 war elephants, the soldiers revolted. Alexander the Great would not conquer the far side of the Ganges. Although the world’s greatest tactician could not convince his troops to take on the Nanda Empire, five years after Alexander turned away, a 20-year-old Chandragupta Maurya would accomplish that feat, and go on to unite almost all of what is nowIndia. The young Indian emperor would also take on Alexander’s successors - and win. Chandragupta Maurya’s Birth and Ancestry: Chandragupta Maurya was born sometime around 340 BCE, reportedly in Patna, now in the Bihar state of India. Given the vast span of time since his birth, it is unsurprising that scholars are uncertain of many details. For example, some texts claim that both of Chandragupta’s parents were of the Kshatriya (warrior/prince) caste, while others state that his father was a king but his mother was a maid from the lowly Shudra (servant) caste. It seems likely that his father was Prince Sarvarthasiddhi of the Nanda Kingdom. Chandragupta’s grandson, Ashoka the Great, later claimed a blood relationship to Siddhartha Gautama...
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...from India to Trinidad and Tobago Why did the Indians come to Trinidad How did they come to Trinidad The Legacies they left behind Timeline of History 400 BC Gautama 'Buddha' founds Buddhism 333 BC Persian rule in the northwest ends after Darius III is defeated by Alexander the Great. Alexander had established the Macedonian Empire after inheriting the Persian Achaemenid Empire. 326 BC Ambhi, king of Taxila surrenders to Alexander. Porus who ruled parts of the Punjab, fought Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River. 321 BC Mauryan Empire is founded by Chandragupta Maurya in Magadha after he defeats the Nanda dynasty and Macedonian Seleucid Empire. Mauryan capital city is Patliputra (Modern Patna in Bihar) 305 BC Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus Nicator of the Seleucid Empire. 304 BC Seleucus gives up his territories in the subcontinent (Afghanistan/Baluchistan) to Chandragupta in exchange for 500 elephants. Seleucus offers to marry his daughter to Chandragupta to seal their friendship. 273 BC Ashoka the Great, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, ascends as emperor of the Mauryan Empire. 266 BC Ashoka conquers and unifies most of South Asia, along with Afghanistan and eastern Iran. 265 BC Kalinga War takes place. After conquering Kalinga, Ashoka regrets the killings in the war, leading him to adopt Buddhism, which then became the quasi-official state religion of the Mauryan Empire. 260s Ashoka begins displaying religious tolerance, grants...
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...Ancient Emperors: Ashoka Brittany Raymond Professor Michael Briere Strayer University HUM 111 Monday, December 15, 2014 Ancient Emperors: Ashoka http://static.newworldencyclopedia.org/7/7d/Ashoka2.jpg0 Ancient Emperors: Ashoka As I, Emperor Ashoka Maurya, lay here holding on to the last bit of my life I want to leave a part of me to share with the world of my life. I was born in 304 BC to my father the Mauryan Empire, Bindusara. When I was born my grandfather, Chandragupta, was ruler of the empire. My father later inherited leadership from him and ruled for the next 25 years. I was 18 years old in the year 286 B.C. when my father appointed me as his Viceroy of the province of Avanti. My father had chosen me because it was said I had shown my abilities and individuality well. I soon after married Vidisa Mahadevi Sakya Kumari in Ujjayini. Mahadevi was from the famous Sakya clan to which Buddha belonged. At age 20 I celebrated the birth of a son whom I gave the name Mahendra. Next my daughter, Sanghamitra, was born just two years later. This was the small start to what one day would be my large family. Early into my military career I became a strong leader. I was respected and spoke highly about. This did not sit easy with my eldest half-brother, Prince Susima. He then began to plan his demise to keep me from being the choice to take over my father’s place as ruler. I was sent by my father into Takshashila province when...
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...The culture of Sri Lanka is very much influenced by the heritage of Theravada Buddhism passed on from India by the great king Ashoka. Sri Lankan culture is internationally associated with cricket, a cuisine. Many forms of Sri Lankan art and crafts are taken inspirations from Buddhist culture. The most impressive and popular monuments in Sri Lanka are great stupas, some of them are very gigantic size statues of Buddha. There are many stupas and monuments such as in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruva and many other sites which are very much inspired from Buddhist culture. The rock at Sigiriya placed with the series of exquisitely painted apsarases showering flowers, their torsos emerging from clouds. The most attractive full part of Sri Lankan art is Jataka Tales which are as old as from 300 B.C. Originally these Tales were written in Pali language. They are important part of...
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...Chandragupta Vijayaditya | Religious beliefs | Hinduism | Samudragupta[citation needed], ruler of the Gupta Empire (c. 335 – c. 375 CE), and successor to Chandragupta I, is considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses in Indian history according to Historian V. A. Smith. He was called the Napoleon of India because he wanted to conquer more and more. The Allahabad inscriptions or the Prayag Prashashti composed by his court poet. He was the second ruler of the Gupta Dynasty, who ushered in the Golden Age of India. He was perhaps the greatest king of Gupta dynasty. He was a benevolent ruler, a great warrior and a patron of arts. His name appears in the Javanese text `Tantrikamandaka'.[1] His name is taken to be a title acquired by his conquests (samudra referring to the 'oceans'). Samudragupta the Great is believed to have been his father's chosen successor even though he had several elder brothers. Therefore, some believe that after the death of Chandragupta I, there was a struggle for succession in which Samudragupta prevailed. It is said that Samudragupta became the ruler after subduing his rival Kacha, an obscure prince of the dynasty. He ranks with Ashoka, though in fundamentals both differed radically from each other. 'While Ashoka' says R.K. Mukerjee,'stands for peace and non-violence, Samudragupta for the opposite principle of war and aggression. The one had contempt for conquests, the other...
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...cultures, each with a long history of tradition. Most of the difficulties have arisen due to the transplanting of an Indian religious/philosophical system onto a culture strongly dominated by indigenous secular, philosophical and religious systems. In spite of these difficulties, Chinese Buddhism has come to have an important influence on the growth and development of Buddhism in general and this has occurred largely because of its own innovatory contributions.(Eliade, M. p.16-29) The spread of Buddhism into China began in Central Asia and was facilitated by the efforts of the Indo-Scythian king Kanishka (Encyclopedia Britt. 273-274) of the Kushan dynasty which ruled in northern India, Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia in the 1st and 2nd centuries (Encyclopedia Britt. 274). He is said to have undergone an Ashoka-like conversion upon seeing the slaughter caused by his campaigns. Around the beginning of the common era, Buddhism started to filter into China from Central Asia via the Silk Road, brought by monks, merchants and other travelers. It also entered later via trade routes around and through Southeast Asia. It was nurtured in the expatriate community of Loyang and other northern cities. (The Encyclopedia of Religion p58-62) Siddhartha (Buddha) was born around 563 B.C.E. in the town of Kapilavastu (located in today's Nepal). Siddhartha's parents were King...
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... * Identify the features of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Cultures Middle East * Define “civilization” * Explain the role of climate and geography in the development of Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations Near East * Explain the role of climate and geography in the development of Near Eastern civilizations * Identify the Hittites and Assyrians Indian Sub-Continent * Explain the role of climate and geography in the development of early Indian civilization * Recognize and identify key characteristics and features of Harappan and Vedic Aryan civilizations East Asia (China) * Explain the role of climate and geography on the emergence of civilization in East Asia * Identify and describe the key features of Shang and Zhou civilization The Americas * Explain the role of climate and geography in the development of civilization in the Americas * Focus on the Olmecs in Mesoamerica and Chavin de Huantar in the Andes Comparing the Four Great Revolutions * Identify and understand the main points of comparison and contrast between Chinese, Indian, Near Eastern, and Mediterranean philosophy and religion Philosophy in China * Identify and understand the key features and messages of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism and recognize their shared origins and heritage Religion in India * Identify and understand the key features and messages of the Vedic texts, the Upanishadic sages, the Brahmanic tradition, and the...
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...Indus Valley Civilization – The Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization (3300–1300 BC; mature period 2600–1900 BC) extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India. Along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia it was one of three early civilizations of the Old World, and of the three the most widespread. It flourished in the basins of the Indus River, one of the major rivers of Asia, and the Ghaggar-Hakra River, which once coursed through northwest India and eastern Pakistan. The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as the Harappan Civilization, after Harappa, the first of its sites to be excavated in the 1920s, in what was then the Punjab province of British India, and is now in Pakistan. A uniform culture had developed at settlements spread across nearly 500,000 square miles, including parts of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Baluchistan, Sindh and the Makran coast. It was a highly developed civilization and derived its name from the main river of that region— Indus. |Year |Site |Discovered by | |1920 |Harappa |Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni | |1922 |Mohenjodaro |R. D. Banerjee | |1927 |Sutkagen dor |R. L. Staine ...
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...Parliament 1.1.3. Judiciary 5. The Indian State Union and its territory 6. Citizenship 7. Fundamental Rights 8. Main duties Introduction Democracy Democracy it is a Greek word. From the Greek is translated as democratia, means – Demos= people and kratia = government. Democracy is political system of mass participation, competitive elections and human and civil rights. (Political science. Michael G. Rosin) India is called as most popular democracy in the world. Let’s consider some aspects and answer the question why is it a Democratic country? What kind of state it is? What kind of state system is there? In addition we want to discuss about human rights and their duties. We divided our research paper into part for better understanding and definition of each point of the country. In conclusion we want to summarise each point and answer to the main question: is India a really democratic country according its definition and characteristics of it? History of India The first known civilization in India was Harappan. It originated in the early third millennium BC on the banks of the Indus River. It was a highly urban culture which existed until the middle of the 2nd millennium BC . After there was a time of migration and settlement of the Aryan tribes in the North of India. Aryans assimilated with the local population. As the result it was Indo-Aryan culture of the Vedas era (The Vedas it is ancient Indian collection of religious hymns and spells)...
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...Introduction In India, administration has always been the most important element for any ruler to rule. The better the administration was of the king the longer he was in power. One of the most relevant examples is of the Mughal dynasty in the medieval period. They ruled from 1526 to 1857 which is more than three centuries. Their administration system was and still is considered one of the best one. Even when the British East India Company came to India they also analyzed and studied the accounts and documents on the way of administration in India under the Mughals. They had to read and inculcate things from that because the people were very happy with the way the Mughals were running the state and to overthrow them and adjust in the Indian society would have been very difficult by their own way. In ancient India too, Ashoka was considered a very good ruler because of his administration system. The praja (people of the state) was very happy by his functioning. They started to call Ashoka by the name of Priyadasi which literally means ‘the loved one’. All the great rulers we know of today are famous and considered great because of their great administration system which was also acceptable by the people. Thus, we know how important the administration system was. Judicial administration in early India Administration of justice is no doubt one of the most important functions of the state according to the modern notion. An average citizen does not understand the concept of...
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...Willy Ngin AMAT 452: History of Mathematics Mathematical History of China and India Since the beginning of time mathematics has been a part of history. Throughout time without mathematics we wouldn’t have been able to make fundamental advances in science, engineering, technology and much more. Although every country has different histories, cultures and lifestyles; one thing that remains the same is the universal language of Mathematics. If you go to any country in the world, mathematics will always be the same. Addition will always be addition and subtraction will always be subtraction anywhere. Some of the countries who have been able to help further our discoveries and advances in mathematics were China and India. China’s history included many different wars which led to a lot of different dynasties taking over the country. Still, ”the demands of the empire for administrative services, including surveying, taxation, and calendar making, required that many civil servants be competent in certain areas of mathematics” (Katz, 2009, p. 197). It wasn’t until 1984 when they opened the tombs that they found some of the mathematic history. “Among the books was discovered a mathematics text written on 200 bamboo strips. This work, called the Suan shu shu (Book of Numbers and Computation), is the earliest extant text of Chinese mathematics.” (Katz, 2009, p. 196). This work was created during the Han Dynasty. It consisted of different problems and their solution. Alongside...
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...INDIAN ART INTRODUCTION Study of history of art has developed in association with archaeological studies; however, it is now recognized as a specialized discipline. In the West, mainly in Europe, historical art as a discipline has grown considerably with numerous methodological inputs, whereas in India it is still in the process of development in its investigating mechanisms. As the study of art history has grown out of extensive documentations and excavations, one finds description of art objects as the prominent method of study. There are a few significant studies in the early twentieth century, where the concerns are addressed beyond mere description. Subsequently several generations of outstanding western and Indian scholars of Indian art history have studied the subject in great depth and the findings are a revelation of how glorious has been the Indian civilizational achievement through its art creations in the medium of architectural monuments, sculptures and paintings. We can claim a distinct Indian approach to the art of building edifices, sculpture making and the language of painting when compared with European art or the Far Eastern art. Therefore, Indian historical art studies have emerged as a prestigious academic discipline in the university level education. ART - ANCIENT &MEDIEVALTIMES Arts of the Indus Valley The arts of the Indus Valley Civilization emerged during the second half of the third millennium BCE in the Indian sub continent. The...
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...Triumvirate Crassus Pompey Ides of March Octavian? Augustus? Pax Romana? Trade system? Basis? Succession to throne? Gladiators? Entertainment? Problems with Empire? Why the Fall-specifics? Diocletian? Constantine? Huns? Germanic invasions? Attila? Byzantine Empire Romulus Augustulus? Virgil? Roman Achievements? The major contribution to Western CIF.? Dates of Republic/Empire/Byzantine Trajan? Arch/Architecture? Infrastructure? Greatest Roman Legacy? Gupta Major accomplishments of each Empire? Mauryan Chandragupta Maurya? Indian geography? Invasions into India? Arthashastra Ashoka Maurya? Kautilya? Buddhism and Hinduism? Brahmin? Collapse? Patriarchal/Matriarchal? Chandra Gupta? White Huns? Tamil? Trade patterns/partners? Guild? Political stability? Dates/TL of each Empire? HAN 1. A family of kings, called a ____________, would rule over China during the classical period. 2. The Great Wall of China was built during the rule of First Emperor ____________. 3. The most famous ruler of the Han dynasty was _____________. 4. Wu Ti set up a ____________ for all those who...
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...Bombay:: Modern yet ancient || Glitzy yet heart-rendingly poor Let me tell you about my city. The city of Bombay originally consisted of seven islands, namely Colaba, Mazagaon, Old Woman's Island, Wadala, Mahim, Parel, and Matunga-Sion. This group of islands, formed part of the kingdom of King Ashoka, which have since been joined together by a series of reclamations. After his death, these islands passed into the hands of various Hindu rulers until 1343. In that year, the "Mohammedans" of Gujarat took possession and the Kings, of that province of India ruled for the next two centuries. The only vestige of their dominion over these islands that remains today is the mosque at Mahim. Who tore everything down? The Portuguese/British perhaps? Post partition anti-muslim mobs perhaps? In 1534 the Portuguese, who already possessed many important trading centers on the western coast, such as Panjim (Goa), Daman, and Diu, took Bombay by force of arms from the "Mohammedans". This led to the establishment of numerous churches which were constructed in areas where the majority of people were Roman Catholics. There used to be two areas in Bombay called "Portuguese Church". However, only one church with Portuguese-style facade still remains; it is the St. Andrew's church at Bandra. The Portuguese also fortified their possession by building forts at Sion, Mahim, Bandra, and Bassien which, although in disrepair, can still be seen. They named...
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...World Cultures I Abstract Overall, Greek and Indian art had many similarities and differences. Even though they lived far away and had different beliefs, their depicted the same topics: Gods and goddesses, animals, royalty, myths, everyday life, and sports. Jewelry wise, they both used a lot of gold, although Indians used more beads and gems. In sculpture, Greeks mostly used stone, and Indians used a variety of materials. Their paintings were also very similar. Architecture was quite different. Greek architecture used the golden ratio, and their buildings were usually made of marble. They used Doric and ionic columns to hold the roof of the building up. Indian buildings had elaborate designs carved in them, like people dancing, or gods and goddess. Comparing Sculptures of Ancient India and Greece Indians and Greeks alike loved showing myths and gods on their sculptures and pottery, but they styles were different, as the Greek used the red-figure pottery style, with black backgrounds and red figures that only were shown after they were fired in the kiln. Indians used simple but beautiful painted, unglazed pottery. Indians, too, did not put as much emphasis on sports in sculpture than the Greeks. Ancient Greeks has sculptures depicting gods and goddesses, royalty, animals, and sports, like Olympic events. Greek pottery depicted stories, myths, everyday life, and sports as well. Ancient India had statues of gods, goddesses, kings, Buddha, and men and women dancing. They were...
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