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Asian Americans According to the U.S. Census Bureau


Submitted By miszxmazda
Words 634
Pages 3
Axia College Material
Appendix E

Asian Americans According to the U.S. Census Bureau

Part I

Organize statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau on Asian American diversity using the matrix below and the Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: May 2010 document. Use the following directions to locate the document:

• Go to the homepage of the U.S. Census Bureau website: • Scroll down to Newsroom. • Click on Facts for Features. • Under the 2010 heading, select the document: March 2: Facts for Features: Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: May 2010 | PDF Version - 130K.

You may also locate the document under the Week 8 Materials tab on your student website.

Statistic 1 of the Cultural Makeup column is provided for your reference. Note: you will find only two statistics to place in the Financial row.

| |Statistic 1 |Statistic 2 |Statistic 3 |
|Cultural Makeup |15.5 million U.S. residents are |943,000 native and other Pacific |33.4 million United States |
| |Asian or Asian in combination |islander or native Hawaiian and |residents will identify themselves |
| |with other races. |other Pacific islander in |as Asian alone in 2050. |
| | |combination with one or more races.| |
|Income | | |. |
| |$52,018 is the income of a |10.2% poverty rate in 2002 for | |
| |household whose householder |those reported

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