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Asian Cheetah Research Paper

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The Asiatic Cheetah
Cheetahs are known for being fast, strong, and powerful. They are not known for the dangers, struggles, and all of the trouble some of them go through, like one of the rare subspecies called, the Asiatic cheetah. They are also known as the Iranian Cheetah or by their scientific name, Acinonyx jubatus. They are found in the Middle East in small areas in Iran, also places in Central Asia. Though, sadly, they have been disappearing and now have minimal records of them being seen. The Asiatic cheetah is at the brink of extinction. There are less than 100 Asiatic cheetahs left on Earth (“Finding the Last Cheetahs of Iran”). They are the most threatened cheetah, this is because of hunting, loss of habitat, and so much more.
Like all types of cheetahs, the Asiatic cheetah is born a live birth. They are born with something called a mantle, which is a tuft of fur that grows on their backs. They use it as a disguise to hide from predators when they hunt with their mother. It doesn’t stay there forever. The mantle disappears by the time a cheetah turns two. While they’re young, Asiatic cheetahs spots are very transparent. The spots start to darken as they …show more content…
Most of those things are meat, since they are carnivores. When they were cubs they used to hunt for small hare and rabbits with their mothers. Though as they got older they began to have an entirely new taste. Such as wildebeest calve, small antelope, birds, impala, but their favorite was definitely the Thompson's Gazelle. As the number of cheetahs decreased majorly so did their prey. Now all the Asiatic cheetahs eat are rabbits, which is not very good for them. Rabbits are very small and Asiatic cheetahs are very big. That means they need a very big diet. They should at least have a small or medium sized antelope every day if they want to survive. Asiatic cheetahs normally eat 6-8 lbs. of food each day but can go 4-10 days without drinking water (“Asiatic

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