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Short Story: The New Inca Chief

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Sinchi, a very noble man, has the chance to become the new Inca chief for the village. His father exclaimed, “Go talk to Palla! She will tell you what you need.”
Palla is a very noble, old woman, but there are a lot of mysteries to her that the world doesn’t know. Sinchi takes a 15-minute stroll until he stumbles over Palla’s hut before almost passing by it. He knocks on the door and then Palla answers. She rushes him inside and says, “Do you want something to eat? We have a lot to talk about.”
Sinchi didn’t accept food from Palla he just wanted to know about the important information that his dad was referring to. “How do I receive eternal power? I want to be a noble leader who can protect his people,” asked Sinchi. “There’s an initiation process, a journey to receive eternal power,” Palla explains.
Palla tells Sinchi that he needed to find the Yupanqui Mountains where he’s supposed to meet Khuno the high altitude God. On the mountain, there’s a sacred ritual that needed to be performed to give Sinchi the power. “There’s a map for you. Let’s go over it together so you can succeed and be a noble leader.”
This is so exciting! I can not wait to be the best for my village! Thought Sinchi.
“Okay I definitely need all the help I can get, so I can be a noble leader.” Explained Sinchi.
Palla said, “ There are 3 stops before you actually get to the …show more content…
Sinchi is surprised with music, dancing, singing, and praise. It was a huge celebration for the new and noble chief. Sinchi wanted to tell everyone what he discovered so he got everyones attenton and said, “On my journey I discovered that the key to power is companionship and I want everyone to be powerful so, I have a gift for every family in this village. A four-legged friend that will care for you if you care for it. Name it, feed it, and love it. I hope you guys enjoy me as your new chief . I will make sure everyone is safe and treated

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