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tionLetter of Aspiration

Dear Eagle Scout Board:

I began my scouting experience in the Cub scouts, joining Pack 1305 of Canonsburg Pa. While being active in cub scouts (attending most of the meetings and participating in outings), I played several sports; basketball, lacrosse, and football As a Cub Scout, I earned the Arrow of Light award, and I crossed over into Troop 1373 with my best friends. My first campout was to Camp Annawanna, and since then, few campouts have stood out to me as much as that one. The experience confirmed my love for scouting, and I worked hard at campouts and meetings to advance through the scouting ranks. I became a Den Chief for a Pack located not that far from me. I loved the job and the lessons that I was able to teach the younger Cub Scouts, and amazingly, the things I was able to learn from them. As a Scout in Troop 1373, I went to both Camp Annawanna and Heritage Reservation for both Summer camp, and Troop campout. There, also, I worked hard to advance through the Scout ranks and earned merit badges.

I have held numerous leadership positions in other organizations while in scouting. At church, I am a team leader for Vacation Bible School for the Photography team, as well as Tech Team leader for our youth group, and numerous other positions. During my school career I have held many positions of leadership in the band, Guidance Department, Sporting events, Clubs, Sports team, and Administration. I have also held through the summer such as Cashier at McDonalds, Crew Trainer at McDonalds, Maintenance at a Country Club, and a Cashier at Giant Eagle. I also played on the Golf, and Bowling tam in High School. I consistently use the ideals of Scouting, and the Scouting Spirit to develop my leadership skills. Scouting has contributed to my spiritual growth, because the ideals of scouting and the ideals of my Christian faith are very similar. I find that being a Christian is natural for me because of my belief in the scouting ideals. Scouting has influenced my personal life in the same way. Whether simply holding the door open for people, or helping someone carry something, the scout law has always resonated with my personality and aided the development of virtues. I find that scouting and the leadership which it develops has made me a more secure and confident person. Scouting has made making personal goals easier, and the bar at which they are set has become higher as a result of Scouting. The skills mastered in are numerous and wide-ranging, and that gives me the confidence of knowing that I can tackle any challenge that comes my way. I am more confident that I can achieve goals because of the success that I have had with setting goals for achieving rank and earning merit badges. My future ambitions are to attend college, and earn a Major in Sports Management and a Minor in Business. I believe that my interest in these fields of study will allow me to have a respectable position in either one of these fields. I hope to someday have a stable family of my own. It is too early to say definitively where I want to attend college, but I am interested in Slippery Rock University, Robert Morris University, and Pittsburgh Technical Institute with the opportunity to pursue undergraduate study. I hope not only to achieve personal success, but also to give back to the global and local community. I plan to give back to the community by becoming an active volunteer through either religious or secular institutions to serve in various ways, such as working in a soup kitchen or volunteering to help church events. I also hope to give back to Scouting by encouraging my children (if I have any) to be in Scouting, and to become an active Scouting parent.
Samuel N. Luba

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