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Assess Sociological Explanations Of Mental Health

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which happen internally cause our daily behaviours to be the way that they are. These are identified as private operations which determines how we perceive different problems in our lives, and attention that differs between the stimulus and response. People in society, according to the cognitive approach, are identified as people who process information that they learn from different sources. This goes through a process of receiving information from our senses, and then being processed by our brains which then leads to the direct way we behave towards the issue. Based on the variety of different researching methods we have gained over the years shows how our cognitive processes such as memory, attention span, linguistics and perception function. …show more content…
As individuals’, we do share some of the same genetic factors that make us more vulnerable meaning that some subjects will be more susceptible to getting the same mental health illnesses as their family. This includes illnesses such as depression, anxiety and OCD. This can also include ways that we have been taught by our family members, for example with OCD people may constantly have a habit of checking that the door is locked, which may be a habit off of their parents. When we are younger, many experiences can contribute as to what our triggers are. We can suffer physically or emotionally, and this can consist of different things happening, for example losing a parent in a car crash and then witnessing another car crash causing the individual to feel anxious due to the fact they have experienced it before. It could even include abusive factors, due to the fact as being abused as a child then being hit again may cause us to recreate the memory of being hit and causing an overwhelming feeling of depression. These factors usually happen during the life stages of childhood, adolescence or

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